Oh Hel No! Pt. 2

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Hello my loves! So...it's been a minute. I know I promised part two literal weeks ago, but I also wrote part one in the same week I was taking finals. Ya girl was #Stressed. Anyways, sorry this is so late. Please forgive me and enjoy the shenanigans of our faves!

Slight Clarification- Magnus-Alex=Magnus in Alex's body, Alex-Magnus=Alex in Magnus' body If someone knows how to make this easier to understand please let me know in the comments!

Despite what one might think, dying and being reborn into your own body was not a very relaxing experience. Picture a huge water slide, not unlike one you might see at an amusement park. Upon your death you are sent down the water slide. The only difference, there are about a bagillion people going down the water slide with you. After sliding for what feels like forever, people start to slowly disappear down their own individual slides and into their own bodies. This was the trip that Magnus took each time he died. He never could seem to remember once he woke up though, just a vague feeling of dizziness and a barely there memory of swirling and spinning colors.

Magnus woke up feeling, you guessed it, dizzy. He opened his eyes and struggled to make them focus on a single point on the ceiling. Once he was sure that he would not immediately fall over upon getting out of bed, Magnus sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He stood up and wobbled slightly, almost as if he had hit a sudden growth spurt and was still figuring out how to move his limbs.

Magnus couldn't put his finger on it, but something felt off. He shrugged and walked to the bathroom to do his morning business.

Upon walking out of the bathroom Magnus looked up expecting to see his clothing on the dresser or the photos of him and his family on the mantel. What he actually found was a dresser full of ornately made pottery and various green and pink clothing littering pretty much every available surface in the room. Magnus's attention was then drawn to the pottery wheel position in the corner by the fire place. The fire place did not hold pictures of Magnus and his family, instead bearing pictures of Alex Fierro and people that must have been his friends in the mortal world.

So that's what was off. He had fallen asleep in Alex's room again.

No, that couldn't be right. Magnus' last memory was of being launched at a wall by a giant named Frum. Why hadn't he been reborn into his own room? Or at least on the battle field?

Magnus was becoming more confused by the minute. He marched to the door, but was caught off guard by a flash of green in the mirror. Magnus backtracked to the mirror and found himself almost afraid to face it.

Magnus slowly turned to face the mirror. The sight staring back at him was equally fascinating and terrifying. Alex Fierro's multi-colored eyes and green hair stared back at Magnus.

Magnus did what any rational person who had just figured out that they had died and been reborn into the wrong body would do. He screamed.

Magnus-no-Alex-no-Magnus, was still screaming when he heard someone banging on the door. He couldn't bring himself to look away from the mirror though.

"Open the door!" His, Magnus', voice came from the other side of the door.

Magnus-erm Alex, he was going to have to figure this whole name thing out, managed to clamp his mouth shut and walk stiffly to the door, overly aware of the two inches of height he had gained. He reached out with Alex's tanned, slender hand and turned the door knob slowly. What he saw on the other side was equally, if not more, shocking as waking up in a different body. Magnus Chase stood on the other side of the door.

Magnus-Alex gaped as his body barged into the room. Did his hair always look like that?

Alex-Magnus looked as if he might vomit, or punch someone, or both. This worried Magnus-Alex since he was the only thing within punching distance. He was scarily silent for a long time, just looking at Magnus-Alex.

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