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It's honestly embarrassing how long I've been working on this.  As always, let me know what you think in the comments!  I have quite a few requests I'm working on right now, but I'm always open to prompts and suggestions. I also wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to anyone who has read these fics, especially my readers that keep coming back even if I don't post for months on end!  Read on my lovelies, and keep being amazing!

Nico was having a deep, dreamless sleep in the newly redecorated Hades cabin.  He didn't hear the door creak open and he didn't hear someone try, and fail, to quietly tiptoe to his bunk.  

"Morning Sunshine."  Will Solace whispered in Nico's ear while brushing the boy's dark curly hair out of his eyes.  Will chuckled when there was no movement from his boyfriend.  He continued to play with Nico's hair and wondered if he should mention a haircut, it was getting pretty long for the summer.

The first thing Nico noticed was the sensation of someone running their fingers through his hair, which was definitely a good way to wake up.  The next thing he noticed was a dull pain all over.  Nico tried to pinpoint the source, but it seemed to be coming from his very core and radiating out ward.

Nico opened his eyes and was surprised at how bright everything looked.  It felt like someone had shown a spotlight directly into his cabin.  He squeezed his eyes shut again.  When Nico opened his eyes again, he was a little more cautious.  He peeked out from under his eyelids slowly and saw Will Solace looking down at him, still carding his hands through Nico's hair.

"Morning Sunshine."  Will drawled.

"It feels too early to be awake."

"It's actually late, at least by my standards."

"What time is it?"


"Your standards suck.  It's basically midnight."

"I'm always up with the sun.  If I really hated you I would come wake you up then."

"You're not helping your argument."

"Whatever, Death Boy.  Let's go find some breakfast.  I'm starving."

"Still going strong with the nickname, eh?"

"It suits you."

Nico sat up and winced when a headache came on very suddenly.

"Are you okay?"


"The last time you said that, you were practically dead."

"This time I actually mean it. Promise."  Nico stood and almost fell down when a wave of vertigo washed over him.  He grabbed a nearby bed post and hoped Will hadn't noticed.

"What was that?"

"What was what?"

"You stumbled."

"I stubbed my toe when I stood up."

Will huffed.  He didn't seem convinced, but let the subject drop.

Nico got dressed and tried to ignore the nausea that was building in his stomach.  Soon enough he and Will were walking to breakfast. It still felt like someone had turned the sun on to "extra bright" so Nico tried to stay in the shadow of the trees as much as possible.

"Hey Nico!" Greeted the Apollo campers.  Nico fought the urge to cover his ears.

Why was everything so loud?

"Morning."  Nico waved toward the table of campers as he got a pop-tart from the selection of breakfast foods layed out.  He sat down at the Apollo table and tried to drown out the noises around him.  He felt as if his head might explode.

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