Annabeth kills Percy. This is all Apollo's fault. Also somewhat Will's.

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Look, Anna updated more than once a month! I received the cutest little prompt from KeilaMarie102 for a sneezy Percy, nosey Will (pun intended), and caring Annabeth.  I could not be happier to oblige and I hope I do it justice my friend!
P.S. My fics are sometimes not canon compliant, this is one of those times.  This takes place right after Percy, Meg, and Apollo fight the Nosoi in THO.  In my version, Percy goes back to CHB to wait for Annabeth to return from Boston.  Just a little background, carry on.

Percy was sitting in the Poseidon cabin at Camp Half-Blood.  He sniffled and rubbed his already red nose on his shirt sleeve.  He coughed and reached for another cough drop.  Percy would have cursed Apollo if not for fear of death by radiation.  Instead, he cursed the Nosoi.  The stupid plague spirits had left him with the cold to end all colds.  Apollo had just said that it would have to run it's course, but there were more important things to worry about, such as vengeful girlfriends.  Percy made a quick decision and bundled his coat around himself before walking to the infirmary.

"Hey Percy, how're you feeling?"  Will Solace met Percy at the door and ushered him in out of the cold.

"I've been better."  Percy coughed, although it sounded more like "I'b been bedder."

"What brings you in today?"

"Is there anything you can give me to make this cold go away faster?  I have to study and I can't focus on anything because I'm too busy hacking up my lungs."  Percy coughed harshly again, as if to restate his point.

"I really don't think I should-"

"So you DO have something!"

"We have a supply of water that was blessed by Apollo that can cure pretty much anything instantly, but we only use it for emergencies.  A little goes a long way and there's no telling what would happen if used on something as minor as a cold."

"Do you want to be the one to tell Annabeth what happened while she was gone?"

"Okay, you have a point, but we still can't know what would happen even if I gave you a small dose."

"There's a first time for everything, right?  This blessed water can cure me and Annabeth never has to know that I left camp."

"Fine.  This is potent stuff though.  A drop should be more than enough to kick this."  Will walked over to a cabinet with a Biohazard symbol across the front, unlocked it, and retrieved a bottle of what looked like liquid sunlight.

"I thought you said it was water."

"It is. It's been blessed by Apollo."  Will said this as if it offered an explanation.  He pulled a medicine dropper out of a drawer beside one of the beds, unscrewed the lid of the bottle, and pulled some of the liquid into the dropper.

"Sit down and stick out your tongue."  Will demanded.

"I'm a big boy.  I think I can take my own medicine Will." Percy rasped.

"This has to be carefully measured.  If you take too much, it could literally burn you from the inside out."

Not wanting to be burned in any way, shape, or form Percy sat down on the bed and stuck out his tongue.  Will positioned the medicine dropper over Percy's tongue and carefully squeezed out a drop of the liquid sunlight.

The effect was immediate.  Percy could feel warmth radiating from his core as soon as medicine hit his stomach.  He could breathe out of both nostrils again and it no longer felt as if he was hearing everything under water.  Percy took a deep breath and grinned.

"You're the man Will!"  Percy stood and clapped Will on the shoulder.

"You still need to be careful. Like I said, we don't know the side effects of using this on something as minor as a cold."

"Will do Will."  Percy practically skipped out of the infirmary.  Will simply rolled his eyes.

Now that his cold was taken care of, Percy couldn't wait to see Annabeth.  He was once again trying to study, because it worked so well the first time, when he heard his cabin door open.  Percy turned to see Annabeth with cheeks rosey from the cold and wind blown hair.

"Wise girl!"  Percy bounded over and swept her up in a hug.

"Hey Seaweed Brain."  They hugged for a moment and Percy put her on the ground again.

"I have to say that I'm a little surprised that this place is still standing."

"Not everything falls apart every time you leave."

"You have to admit that it does have a habit of happening though, especially when you're involved.  So what did you do while I was gone?"

"Nothing much.  I studied and hung around camp.  I started teaching some new sword moves to the new campers."  This wasn't a complete lie, Percy Had started teaching a few more advanced sword techniques to some of the campers.

"How did Boston go?"

"It was...interesting.  I'm still processing."  Annabeth answered slowly.

"What happened, Annabeth?"  Percy asked, concern etching across his face.

Annabeth filled Percy in about her cousin, Magnus and everything she had learned while in Boston.



"What now?"

"I told him about you and how you're a son of Poseidon.  He might need our help soon."

"I thought the whole reason for going to New Rome for college was to be normal for a few years."

"It is and we will, but this is family Percy."  Annabeth fixed Percy with a steely stare that showed her choice had already been made.

"Okay then.  We'll be ready when they need us."

"I think that's enough mind blowing and studying for one day.  How about a movie?"

"A movie sounds great right now."

"You pick."  Annabeth walked toward Percy's bunk and pulled her laptop out of her bag before flopping down on the bed.

"How about X-Men: Apocalypse?"

"Always with the superheroes."  Annabeth rolled her eyes, but pulled the DVD out of the stack beside the bed.  She started the movie and Percy flopped down on the bed beside her.  The two settled in to watch the movie, however Percy found his eyelids drooping before the movie was even half over and he quickly fell asleep.  Annabeth smirked and paused the movie.  Then she rolled over and closed her eyes as well.

*Okay, so this is a lot longer than I originally planned so I'm going to split this into two parts.  I will hopefully have the next part written and uploaded by tomorrow night.  In the meantime, tell me what you think of this part and feel free to come chat with me or give me another prompt! Also, I tried my hand at a haiku.  Apollo would be proud.

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