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I received the cutest little prompt from @SolangeloOTP and I was in the mood for some serious Solangelo fluff, so here we are!  I hope it's everything you dreamed of my friend! Read on my lovelies and don't forget to tell me what you think in the comments!

P.S. I know I've been slow to update lately but I literally finished my last final like 10 minutes ago so I am free of school and will hopefully have more time to devote to my stories!

P.P.S. I just finished TOA The Dark Prophecy and I have no words!  No spoilers, but feel free to message me so we can freak out together!

Will really hated being sick.  There was nothing to do and his ADHD shifted into overdrive and he couldn't even sit still long enough to read a book.  Will had been forced out of the infirmary earlier that morning when Kayla caught him sneezing and sniffling into his elbow.

"It's just a cold!" Will protested.

"That will turn into just the flu if you don't watch out."  Kayla argued while trying to block Will from reentering the infirmary.

 "Go get some rest Will.  This place won't implode if you're not here."  Kayla fixed Will with a stare she usually reserved for the younger campers when they got into trouble.

"Fine.  Just let me-"  Will once again tried to move past Kayla.

"I will send Nico over later with anything you left.  Now shoo!"  Kayla pointed toward the Apollo cabin.  Will sniffled once again and started toward the cabin.

So here he sat, alone in the Apollo cabin with nothing to distract him from his thoughts.  Will mostly thought about his dad and the little girl he had come to camp with a few months ago, Meg.  Apollo had ridden off into the sunset with Leo Valdez and Calypso and Will hadn't heard a word about them since.  Nico kept checking in with his dad for news about any of the trio, but thankfully had only returned with good news thus far.

"Knock knock."  Nico opened the screen door of the cabin with a bag in tow.

"Thank gods!  I'm going insane here!"

"Will, it's only been two hours."  Nico laughed.

Will shrugged and sneezed loudly.  

"How're you feeling, besides dying of boredom."

"Not awful.  I told Kayla I was fine this morning."

"You would say you were fine even if you had the plague, just as long as you knew someone needed you.  So seriously, how do you feel?"

"Honestly I'm cold, my head feels like someone stuffed it with cotton, I can't get comfortable, and my throat is a little sore.  I'm also in serious need of some cuddling."  Will pouted.

"Okay, one thing at a time."  Nico sat on the edge of the bed and rifled through the bag.  He pulled out a bottle of decongestant and spilled out two pills for Will.  While Will swallowed the pills Nico pressed the back of his hand to Will's cheek.

"You feel a little warm, but I don't think it's anything to worry about.  Those pills should help with the congestion."

"I'm still in need of cuddles and my throat hurts."  Will looked innocently at Nico.

"What would you do without me?"

"Not get any cuddles."

"That's true."  Nico laughed.

Will yawned.


"No."  Will lied.

"Yeah, whatever.  Scoot over."

Will scooted as best he could and soon both boys were situated comfortably in the bed.  Nico pulled his laptop out of the bag and pulled up Netflix.  He quickly chose Grey's Anatomy, one of Will's favorites, and wrapped an arm around Will to pull him closer.  Will snuggled down into Nico's shoulder.  He quickly started to drift off.

Will woke a while later feeling marginally better.  He looked around at Nico and found him asleep with the laptop still poised on his lap.  Will closed the laptop and gently set it in the floor, trying not to wake Nico.

"Feeling any better Sunshine?"  Nico asked sleepily.

"I was trying not to wake you."  Said Will regretfully.

"I'm not the sick one here.  You're the one who should be resting.  Also, you didn't answer my question."

"I feel a little better, my head no longer feels full of marshmallow fluff."

"That's progress at least.  Keep this up and you'll be back in the infirmary in no time."

"I just hate not being able to do anything.  I can't help in the infirmary and I can't help my dad.  I just feel useless."

"You're not useless.  You help me all the time.  You can't help getting sick Will.  You're not Superman."  Nico grabbed Will's hand.

"I just can't stop thinking about my dad.  He hasn't always been "Dad of the Year" but he's still my dad, y'know?"

"I completely get it.  I'm sure they're fine wherever they are.  I've been searching the fields of Asphodel and I haven't seen them.  Plus, if a god made it into the Underworld, even in human form, it would be headline news."

This did little to comfort Will, but he tried to tamp down his anxiety, but he was glad to have someone to talk through it with.

"You're pretty amazing, you know that?"

Nico blushed and pulled Will back down onto the bed.

"You're delirious."

Will giggled and pulled Nico into a hug.  Will was the first to pull back and looked Nico in the eye.

"So what should we do?  I'm wide awake and I'll probably be forcibly removed if I try to go the the infirmary again."

"How about we order takeout?"

"How are we going to do that?"

"I have a skeleton chauffeur.  Have you never wondered how I got us deep dish pizza a few weeks ago?"

Will thought about this and smirked.

"So what'll it be?  Jules Albert can get anything."

"How about that Chinese place that we went to over Christmas?"

Nico concentrated for a moment and suddenly their was a ghostly race car driver standing in the Apollo cabin.  Nico wrote told Jules Albert the food order, and as quickly as he had come he was gone.

Will felt a dull pain start up between his brows and rubbed his forehead.

"You okay?"

"Headache."  Will lay down on his pillow and hummed softly when he felt Nico's long fingers start to run through his hair.

Before long Jules Albert returned with Chinese takeout boxes in tow.  Nico relieved him of the food and the ghostly driver dissapeared once again.  Will's eyelids drooped and Nico laughed, setting the food on the bedside table for later.  He once again took his spot on the bed and placed Will's head in his lap and continued to card through Will's hair.  Will was asleep in no time, all stress forgotten.

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