Valentines Day from Hades

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Hello my loves! I got a request from rcrnkovi05 forever and ever ago for some Nico with mono. I know I'm super late to the V-Day party, but I thought this was a great opportunity for some Solangelo Valentine's day fluff. I hope you like it and let me know what you think in the comments!

It was Valentine's Day at Camp Half-Blood. This should have been an exciting day for Nico. Not only was this the first Valentine's Day that he had a significant other, but it was also his first Valentine's Day since coming out.

The Aphrodite campers had agreed, insisted, to host a Valentine's Day dance for everyone at camp, Nico had a new suit he to debut tonight (from his father of all people), and Will had promised he would take the night off from the infirmary(under the threat that Nico would shadow travel again). Everything was going to be perfect. That was the plan anyway.

It had started slowly. The day before, Nico had been a little more tired than usual and a little sore, but he had just attributed it to his poor sleep schedule and uncanny knack for getting hurt.

However, nothing could have prepared him for how he would feel this morning. Nico's entire body ached like he had been used as a test dummy for some new eternal punishment in the Fields of Punishment. Nico couldn't actually remember the last time he'd felt this bad; tired, achy, and shivering (probably a fever, great). He was starting to think that someone up on Olympus was trying to ruin his love life. Nevertheless, Nico refused to let a stupid cold, probably just a stupid cold, get in the way of his and Will's perfect Valentine's Day. 

So, Nico pushed through the pain and got out of bed, and man was it painful. Every muscle protested and a headache made itself well known.

"Ugh" Nico groaned audibly. He shuffled, his legs felt like jelly, to the bathroom and was grateful for once that Will made him keep a mini first aid kit in the cabin. Nico found two Excedrin and two ibuprofen and quickly washed the pills down with some water. Hoping that would get rid of the fever and pain for a while, Nico went about getting ready. Slowly. It hurt to move too fast and he was so tired. 

After slowly getting dressed, Nico was lucky no one actually expected to see him until at least ten, he made his was to the dining pavilion. Since Nico made a habit of sleeping through breakfast, Will usually made a plate for him and left it behind for him. However, Nico wasn't hungry in the slightest. His throat ached and he knew it'd be torture trying to eat.

Nico walked into the dining pavilion to see the last few stragglers finishing up breakfast. As expected, there was a plate of food at Nico's usual spot at the Apollo cabin table. Unexpectedly, there was also a certain blond Apollo cabin counselor sitting next to the food and holding a rose. Nico felt a blush creeping up his neck. Will caught Nico's eye and beamed. Nico couldn't help but grin back.

"Why are here?" Nico's voice came out a little rougher than usual thanks to his sore throat. He tried not to show any signs of discomfort.

"Don't sound so excited." Will laughed. He got up, enveloped Nico in a hug, and planted a kiss on his forehead (one of the benefits of being taller than your boyfriend). The kiss may have lingered a bit when Will felt the warmth coming off of Nico's skin.

"You know what I mean. I knew you'd be off tonight, but I figured you'd have to work this morning." Nico let the hug linger for a moment longer than he usually did.

"Well, suprise!" Will pulled away and handed Nico the rose, holding him at arms length."Are you feeling okay? You're warm." He couldn't hid the worry in his eyes.

"Yeah," It wasn't exactly a lie, the medicine Nico had taken earlier had finally had chance to take effect, "I feel fine." Nico saw the incredulous look in Will's eyes. "I promise I would tell you if I didn't feel well." 

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