"I've made a horrible mistake"- Percy Jackson

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Hello again my lovelies! I figured it was about time to post again since I've literally gotten messages asking if I'm still alive! Apologies for the scare, but I am alive and well. I've just been very busy this holiday season! lots of new developments have happened in my life in the past month and a half. If anybody would like a life update or just a general Q&A I'd be down! Now, on to the fic!
I got a request from joverton707 for some hungover Percy forever ago. This could be considered part two of Lessons Learned. I would recommend reading that for background. Read on my lovelies and be sure to tell me what you think in the comments and PM me with any prompts or ideas you might have!
P.S. Sorry if this sucks. I've literally never had a hangover so I'm kind of at a loss here. A for effort?



Someone was gently shaking Percy's shoulder, but it felt as if they were playing basketball with his brain. Percy knew he was about to have a very bad day.

"Mmmph" Percy moaned.

"How are you feeling?"


Percy took a moment to take note of his current state of being. His head ached, his mouth felt like it had been filled with sand, his entire body ached as if he had the flu, and his stomach churned sickeningly making Percy wonder how far he was from the nearest toilet.

"'M dying."

"You're not dying, you just have a hangover," Annabeth whispered while moving some hair that had fallen into Percy's face, "Do you remember anything about last night?"

Percy made a motion with his hand to indicate "a little."

From what Jason told me you had a pretty wild first night out."

"I'm never drinking again." Percy whined.

"I'm sure that's exactly what you'll say the next time one of the guys invites you to a party." Annabeth laughed.

Percy opened his eyes just enough to glare pitifully for a moment before closing them and groaning while rubbing his temples.

"First of all, you can thank me later for not letting you spend the night on the couch. Second of all I have to go to class. I'll come at lunch and check on you. I left a glass of water, ibuprofen, and some crackers on the table next to the bed."

Percy moaned as he felt Annabeth get up.

Annabeth smirked and kissed Percy's sweaty black bangs.

"Try to get some sleep Seaweed Brain. I love you."

Percy mumbled something into the pillow that sounded vaguely like "love you too." Annabeth laughed and shut the door quietly. She gathered her backpack and made sure the front door was locked before making her way to her first class of the day.

Percy felt horrible. He couldn't find a comfortable position in bed or get to sleep no matter how hard he tried and his whole body ached, he was dizzy no matter if he was standing or lying down. His hyperactive brain was going crazy with nothing to do, but Percy couldn't actually bring himself to get out of bed for fear of depositing whatever was left in his stomach on the carpet.

Keys jiggled in the lock on the front door and someone stepped inside. Percy figured it must have been Annabeth.

"Percy?" Annabeth called as she set down her backpack.

"In here." Percy called.

"Have you even gotten out of bed today?" Annabeth asked walking into the room.

"No. I'm nauseous and dizzy." Percy whined.

"Have you tried to eat anything?"

"No." Percy admitted sheepishly.

"Seaweed Brain you have to eat something. What sounds good?"

"Grilled cheese?"

"You're lucky you're cute." Annabeth laughed.

Annabeth gave Percy a quick kiss and went to the kitchen to make him something to eat.

Annabeth found Percy leaning against the headboard and looking half asleep.

"Percy?" She whispered.


"Yeah. Food." Annabeth rolled her eyes.

She put the plate in front of Percy and was surprised at how quickly he finished the sandwich.

"You may want to slow down." Annabeth suggested.

"This is great Wise Girl. I didn't realize how hungry I was." Percy said gratefully, either ignoring what Annabeth had said or not having heard her at all.

"Seriously, Percy. Your stomach is probably still pretty tender."

"I feel gre-oh no!" Midsentence Percy cupped his hand over his mouth and leapt off of the bed making a mad dash for the bathroom.

Annabeth cringed. Judging by the noises, the grilled cheese had not agreed with Percy's stomach. She walked to the bathroom to find Percy sitting by the toilet with his head in his hands.

"I was wrong." He said pitifully.

Annabeth knelt down beside him.

"Do you want to go back to bed?"

"Yes." Percy murmured pathetically.

Annabeth pulled Percy off of the floor and helped him get situated in bed. He immediately lay down and Annabeth watched as his body relaxed.

"Oh Seaweed Brain." Annabeth sighed as she climbed into bed beside him. She hadn't missed class all semester; her professors could deal with it for one day.

Percy spent the next few hours sleeping and when he woke up he felt much better he was, however, extremely thirsty. He drank at least a gallon of water before Annabeth made him slow down for fear of making himself sick again.

The two spent the rest of the evening together just talking. It was a good day.

P.S. Would anybody like me to do a ficlet of the conversation between Percy and Jason at the end of Lessons Learned?

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