I'm Trying Here. What Else Is There To Do? (Part 2)

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Hello friends! How have you been this week? For those of you in college, how are finals going?  I just finished mine so I have a full two days to do nothing before my winter classes start.  Are you guys excited for christmas/other assorted holidays?  

Nico had forgotten how much he loved Never Been Kissed.  Of course that didn't stop him from falling asleep halfway through the movie.

"Nico, hey wake up.  The movie's over."

Nico opened his eyes groggily. 

"Did I fall asleep?"

"Yeah you were snoring before the love interest came on screen.  What has you so tired?  You're usually up until at least 2. Have you been using your shadow travel again?"  Will gave Nico an incredulous look.

"I swear I haven't been using shadow travel.  I'm just tired is all."

"Well it's barely 9.  Let's try to get a few more activities in before bed."

"Yeah, sure."  Nico replied.  He wanted to put as much space between him and Will in a bed together as possible.

Now don't get Nico wrong, he really liked Will, but there was something about being so close to someone and being so vulnerable that Nico couldn't quite wrap his mind around.

Will gave Nico a sideways glance.

"How about ice cream?  I know a place that makes it in front of you."

"Oh my gods, that sounds amazing."

The two walked out to Will's car and drove to the ice cream parlor. 

"This is the best ice cream I've ever had!"

"I know right?"  

Will had gone for vanilla with marshmallows and nutella while nico had gone for vanilla with dark chocolate and coffee.

"Nico, can I ask you a question?"


"Why do you like me?  Why did you want to date me?"

"Well, you're the only one who hasn't been scared of my powers.  Anything I can throw your way, you can throw right back."

Nico was glad that it was dark out because he felt like his face was glowing red from the blush.  He was starting to think that he may have said too much when Will looked up from his ice cream and smiled.

"I'll never be scared of you sunshine. It's gonna take a lot more than some underworld magic to scare me away."

Nico felt a grin spreading across his face and felt his own question rising.

"Okay, your turn.  Why did you want to date me? What makes me so special?"

"I think I was initially attracted to you because it was like by getting you to trust me I was part of some exclusive club.  You were so careful about who you opened up to.  Dating you also makes it much easier to make sure you don't kill or seriously injure yourself by trying to be a hero."

Nico felt pride growing in his chest.  Even though he would never say it aloud, he always felt sort of like Will was dating him out of pity.

"Huh" was all Nico could manage to say to Will.  The two finished their ice cream and loaded themselves back into the car to head back to Will's house.

The car ride back to Will's house was once again silent.  Nico knew what would be waiting when they got to the house. His heart was beating so loudly in his ears by now that he was surprised that Will hadn't noticed.  Nico must have gotten lost in thought because before he knew it they had pulled into Will's driveway.

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