Mi Luz

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Hello my lovelies! I received a request for some Leo BroTP from @IrisAesthetic and I hope I delivered! I was a little unsure how to write this so you get a roommate AU with Jason and Leo and a side of Piper and Will! As always tell me what you think in the comments and feel free to drop by my inbox for a chat or drop me a prompt/pairing.

P.S. Go have a look at @IrisAesthetic stories! They are awesome!

P.P.S. This is A LOT longer than I originally planned, but I really like how it turned out! Prepare yourselves for all the feels!

Leo Valdez hated New York winters with a passion. He preferred warm weather (obviously) such as Texas or the forges at Camp Halfblood. Alas, Leo was stuck in a dingy apartment, with no heater, freezing his butt off with an annoyingly worried roommate.

"Leo, you should really go to the doctor, or at least call Will and he can bring you some ambrosia. You've been down with this flu for almost a week."

"I told you that this always happens in the winter. I just have to wait it out. Also, I am not calling Will Solace to come worry over me. That's what I have you for." Leo smirked and batted his eyelashes at Jason.

Leo had started to feel the onset of the flu about a week ago and, in true Valdez fashion, had tried to tough it out. He had kept it under cover for a few days until he had gone to one of his classes, introductory engineering, high on cold medicine and passed out. He had scared Annabeth half to death. Since then, he had been confined to either his bed or the couch of his and Jason's apartment.

"Fine, but if your fever gets any worse I'm calling in reinforcements."

"Fine, mom." Leo quipped from his blanket burrow.

Jason rolled his eyes and walked out of the apartment. He was headed to a lunch date with Piper.

Leo looked around and tried to think of something to occupy his time. He could sleep, which is what Jason had told him to do. He could do homework, Leo almost laughed at the idea. He finally spotted his magical tool belt. He threw his blankets off and made to get up, that was not a good idea. Leo was overcome by vertigo when he stood up and sat down hard on the edge of the sofa.

"Holy Hephaestus it's cold in here!" Leo exclaimed to himself. His fever plus the single digit temperatures were not mixing well.

Leo propelled himself off of the couch once again, this time with a blanket flapping around his shoulders. Once he was successfully free of the couch, Leo grabbed his tool belt and quickly went to burrow back inside his nest of blankets on the couch.

Leo pulled out some wires, a pair of needle nose pliers, and some tiny screwdrivers and tinkered until he had a tiny Festus complete with fire breath and working wings. He watched Tiny Festus flit around the room for a moment until the constant loops started to make him dizzy.

Leo looked at the time and saw that he was due for more cold medicine. Luckily, he didn't have to wander far for it. Jason had had enough forethought to leave tissues, cold medicine, and some cough drops on the table beside Leo. Leo grabbed the cold medicine and tried to remember how much Jason had said to measure out. He finally shrugged his shoulders and tried to replicate the amount that he had seen Jason dole out earlier. Leo drank the medicine and made a disgusted face. Drinking toilet water must have been better than this stuff. The medication quickly put Leo to sleep.

Leo woke a while later, about an hour by the looks of it, which was weird. The cold medicine usually put him to sleep for a few hours, if not the rest of the day. On the plus side, he felt much better. Leo sat up and was about to go to the kitchen for some soup when he realized he wasn't alone. Leo was glad nobody else would hear his less than manly scream.

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