(WillxNico) It's Not Like I'm Dying...Right?

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This can be read as Solangelo or just them being friends but I mostly left it open to interpretation.

Nico Di Angelo could be called many things.  Among these things were Ghost King, Son of Hades, Death Boy (seriously Will?), and beanie baby of death (It was one time Percy!).  The one thing Nico Di Angelo could not be called was weak.  Nico absolutely refused to ever be called weak and would go to extremes to never give anyone the satisfaction.  This usually got admiration and praise from his elders and people his age alike and then there were times like these.  

Nico swore that he felt fine when he was a little sluggish at sword practice, continued to eat third helpings after Will chided that he hadn't been eating much lately (it all came back up an hour later), and held his head high walking through camp exhausted after he spent an entire night practically coughing his lungs up and got no sleep as a result.  Yes, Nico would never be called weak, but he could be called stubborn as he fainted and crumpled into a small heap in the middle of the courtyard at Camp Halfblood.

The first thing Nico was aware of was a dull throb on the side of his head and in his left ear.  The next thing he was aware of was the pinch of an IV in the crook of his arm.  Nico opened his eyes and after they had adjusted to the sunlight coming through the window (seriously, did nobody understand who his dad was?) he looked around and realized he was in the infirmary, not just a normal cot either, Nico had been given one of the very few small private rooms.  This was slightly worrying because Will told him that the private rooms were reserved for the really sick campers.  

"I'm starting to think that you like being here."

Nico, who was glad to have his train of thought interupted, turned toward the door and saw Will carrying a bowl of something and carrying a chart.

"What can I say, after the hospitality experienced on my first visit I just can't seem to stay away."

Will set the bowl down and Nico saw what looked to be some sort of soup inside.  He started reading the chart and got that little crease between his brow that drew the line between Will and Dr. Solace.  

"So what's the diagnosis doc?  Bed rest or a movie night with my favorite doctor?"

Nico looked at Will endearingly and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.  After this did not seem to phase Will, Nico started to get up and tried to see what Will was so engrossed in on the chart.  He didn't get far though, just getting off of the bed seemed to be a lot more effort than usual for Nico.  After swinging one leg off the side of the bed he was forced to stop and try to catch his breath.  This did seem to bring Will out of his trance though.

"Oh my gods, Nico! What are you doing?"

"I was standing up but that seems to be out of the question at the moment.  Is there any particular reason it feels like my lungs are trying to vacate my chest?"  Nico asked through gasps.

Will walked to the wall behind Nico's bed and pulled down an oxygen mask and twisted the knob on the oxygen tank to start the flow while placing it over Nico's nose and mouth.  While Nico felt rediculous he had to admit that he no longer felt like he was trying to suck in air through a coffee stirrer.

Nico was reasonably sure that any attempt at talking would be futile right now so he settled for giving Will a look that asked what the Hades was going on.

"You have pneumonia.  You've probably had it for at least a week which explains why you've been so tired, not eating, and also why you fainted.  You're also seriously dehydrated."

That definitely helped Nico figure out the throbbing in his head and the annoying pinch of the ever present IV line.

"You have to quit doing this to yourself Nico.  Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Jason they all care about you and want to know when you aren't feeling 100%.  You scared them..you scared me."

Nico tried to remove the oxygen mask to speak, but after a stern look from Will he replaced it.  Nico settled for a nod in the end.

"I'm prescribing you a week's strict bedrest."

Nico made a noise of protest and seemed to soften Will's resolve.

"Okay, fine three days strict bed rest and we'll take it from there."

Nico started to protest again but the look in Will's eyes told him that any further argument would probably result in an even more extensive stay.  Nico slumped his shoulders in defeat.

"On the upside, you get to spend your entire stay with me.  There's an old tv in storage that plays VHS tapes. I'm pretty sure we have every Disney movie made before 2008."

Nico's eyes lit up just a little, Will knew that he was obsessed with all things Disney and could watch pretty much any one on repeat.  So, that it what they did, that afternoon Will dug the tv out of storage and the two spent the better part of a week re watching old Disney movies.  Both boys knew that Nico was healthy enough to rest in his own cabin by the third day, but if Nico happened to complain about feeling faint right before being discharged, Will didn't seem to mind.

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