I'm Trying Here. What Else Is There To Do?(Solangelo)

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Guess who's back, back again. Solangelo's back, tell a friend. I am seriously stressed over finals right now and instead of studying for my college algebra final I have decided to procrastinate by writing about our favorite significant annoyances. Is it possible for a fic to be angsty and fluffy at the same time? If so, that is what this is. As always let me know what you think in the comments and I'm always open to prompts.

I personally believe that Nico would hate being touched, at least at first, and he wouldn't even be able to comfortably be in the same bed as Will. Of course, Nico is a Good boyfriend and doesn't want to upset Will so this is what happens. Basically Will is the loving but oblivious boyfriend and Nico is just wondering how they ended up here. Just a little background for the story. Carry on...

Nico Di angelo really liked Will Solace. I mean he really liked him. Everything was fine and dandy until Will wanted to have a sleepover at his house. His parents were going to be out of town and Will promised Nico that they wouldn't try anything he wasn't ready for. The problem was that Nico wasn't ready for spending the night. The whole cuddling in a bed, rolling around kissing, and also maybe the fact that Will had an awesome in home theatre sounded really good in theory but made Nico feel a little sick to think about actually doing it. The farthest that Nico had ever gone was simple kissing and he wasn't sure how much bigger of a step he was ready to take. Nico was a good boyfriend though, so he was dutifully packing an overnight bag in the Hades cabin and was waiting for Will to come retrieve him so they could head to his house. Nico was carefully folding a pair of boxers when he heard the Hades cabin door open behind him.

"Hey sunshine."

"I thought we decided not to call me that anymore." Nico said, trying not to flinch as Will came up behind him, wrapped his arms around Nico's waist, and rested his head on Nico's.

"And I decided against deciding not to call you that." Will said cheerfully as he breathed in the scent of his boyfriend. Nico always seemed to smell good, like a winter's day after a rainstorm.

Nico pecked WIll on the cheek and wormed his way out of the hug.

"So, what are the plans for the night?"

"Well, I was thinking we could just watch some Netflix and eat junk food. Maybe Mcdonald's?" Will added with a sly grin.

"Are you ever actually going to let me live that down?"

"Hey, I'm not the one who sacrificed happy meals to a ghost king. You will never live this down."

Nico pelted the boxers he was holding at Will's face. Will, of course caught them right before the hit his nose.

"Someone's feeling frisky. I thought people from the 40s had a thing about modesty."

"Oh gods, just shut up. Let's go." Nico said seriously, but added a small grin.

The ride to Will's house was quiet besides the radio, which was playing some oddly good early 2000s rock. Nico was busy trying to psyche himself up for the night ahead and Will looked lost in his own thoughts. The car, a rather nice Mini Cooper, pulled to a stop outside what was basically a small mansion (McMansion, sorry I had to). Will and Nico got out of the car and started up the stone steps toward the large front door. Suddenly, a woman with blond hair pulled into a curly ponytail popped her head out of the front door.

"Hey Will. Hey Nico. I didn't know you guys would be here tonight, I figured you'd stay at camp."

"Hi Marci." Both boys said in unison.

Marci was Will's older sister who had just moved home from completing her doctorate in child psychology at Yale, she was also 25. She was fully mortal, from her mother's first marriage, but had known about the gods since Will was born.

"I knew mom and Michael would be out of the house for the weekend so I figured it would be nice to hang out with my two favorite people instead of working in the camp infirmary for once."

Michael was Marci and Will's stepfather who had been married to their mother since Will was 5. Nico had always liked how Will and his sister got along. It reminded him of himself and his sister, Bianca. Nico fought off a wave of emotion when her name made him cringe. He had gotten better since the accident had happened, but this was a wound that would never quite heal.

Will seemed to know what Nico was thinking, he was good about that, and squeezed Nico's hand reassuringly.

The trio walked into the house and toed off their shoes at the door. Will's mom was kind of a clean freak and seemed to have a sixth sense about people dirtying up her house. Nico guessed that probably came from being a world class neurosurgeon. He also figured that was what attracted Apollo to Will's mom in the first place, that and the fact that she was the lead singer of a semi popular 80s hair band.

"You're not going to go running to camp for some emergency again,are you?"

"Nope, my primary patient is right here. He can't get into trouble if he's sitting beside me." Will chuckled and look lovingly at Nico.

Nico blushed, but knew it was true. He was always managing to get himself hurt one way or another. This may or may not have been a clever way to see his boyfriend when he was working, but if Will had picked up on the trickery he had yet to call Nico out for it.

"I don't know about you two, but it sounds like a pizza and chick flick night to me." Marci's eyes lit up.

"Pfft, I don't watch chick flicks anymore Marce. I'm not twelve anymore." Will scoffed.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to remember walking in on you crying over the Notebook last week."

Now it was Will's turn to blush.

"Whatever. Nico and I will go pick a movie and you order pizza."

With that Marci went to find the number for Domino's and Will led Nico into the media room. Nico stared at the literal wall of movies for a moment before settling on "Never Been Kissed". The two padded back to the kitchen where Marci was now paying for what looked to be two large Pizzas and a coke. After getting settled Will put the movie in and got comfortable beside Nico. Nico would never tell anyone how hard he tried not to pull away.

Okay so, this is getting really long. I will post the next part separately, hopefully tomorrow night. I'm not really sure how this will develop yet, I have a general idea, but if you have a suggestion let me know.

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