Feeling Off

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Hello my lovelies!  I received a prompt for some Solangelo from Nicoforeva!  Y'all know I can't resist some fluffy Solangelo, so here we go!  Don't forget to let me know what you think in the comments!
P.S. Since Nico is from the 1940s, correct me if I'm wrong. I think it's safe to say that he is definitely not up to date on his vaccinations.  Carry on, just a little background for the story.

Nico woke up feeling awful.  He couldn't pinpoint exactly what was wrong, but something was off.  He rolled out of bed and started getting ready for the day, trying to ignore the ache that seemed to have taken up residence in his bones.  Nico finished dressing and went to the mirror to see what his hair had decided to do that morning.  He was surprised to see that it actually wasn't that bad.  Nico did what he could for his hair and started toward the dining pavilion. He decided that he probably just hadn't slept well, which was not an uncommon occurrence, and pushed the feeling to the back of his mind.

"Well, if it isn't my significant annoyance."  Chirped Will as Nico walked toward the Apollo table with his breakfast.

"I almost prefer Death Boy."  Groaned Nico, trying to suppress a smile.

"Whatever, you know you love it."  Will smirked and pecked Nico on the cheek as he sat down beside him.

Nico tried not to show how he still held his breath slightly and waited for someone to say something rude about him and Will.  His common sense told him that this was ridiculous, but years of hiding his true feelings gave Nico constant anxiety.

"You okay?"

"Fine.  Why?"

"Something just seems off I guess."

Nico didn't want Will to worry about him, but was glad that it wasn't all in his head.

"I didn't sleep very well last night I guess."

"Are you still having-"

"No.  I promised I would tell you if I was."  Nico said quietly.  Will had been about to ask if Nico was still having nightmares.  He had the occasional nightmare, but not enough to worry Will about.  Plus, Nico wasn't thrilled about the idea of other people knowing that he still struggled with everything he had seen in the last six years.

"Okay then."  Will didn't look quite convinced, but saw Nico's discomfort and dropped the subject.

"What does your schedule look like today?"  Nico changed the subject.

"I have archery class at ten, then I'm teaching a CPR class to some of the younger campers, and I was hoping my boyfriend wouldn't mind getting lost in the strawberry fields with me for a little while this afternoon."  Will said the last part innocently enough, but Nico saw the little mischievous gleam in his eye.

"I think I can manage that."  Nico smiled.

"What are you up to today?"

"I've been teaching some of the Hecate campers how to perform burial rites.Technically, the practice should always be done by the Hades campers, but it gets exhausting and Hecate is the next best thing."

"I know it drains you.  Well,"  Will looked at his watch, "I'd better get going.  I'm going to run by the infirmary and make sure everything is going smoothly."  Will gave Nico another peck on the cheek and started toward the infirmary.

"I'm reasonably sure the place won't burn down without you for a day.  It's called a day off for a reason."  Nico called after him, laughing.

"You can never be too sure."

Nico rolled his eyes.  Soon the rest of the camp started to go to their daily activities.  Nico went to the Big House to meet with the Hecate campers he was coaching.

The day seemed to drag by and Nico had to work not to get frustrated at some of the campers when they couldn't understand something.  At some point, a headache developed and Nico called it quits for the day before he had to perform burial rites for one of his own pupils.  Nico decided to sit in the strawberry fields until Will was done with his CPR class.  Nico must have gotten too comfortable, because the next thing he knew he was being shaken awake by Will.

"Hey Sunshine.  Are you sure a bad night's sleep is the only problem?  You don't look so great."

"I'm just having an off day Will.  I'm sure I'll be fine tomorrow."

"Whatever you say."  Will sat down so Nico could put his head in his lap.  He started to run his fingers through Nico's hair.

"How was your day?"

"Pretty good.  I think my archery is really improving.  My dad's gonna be really impressed when he comes back, if he comes back."

"He's going to be fine Will.  I've been checking and I haven't sensed his death.  Even if I can't talk to my dad right now, I still have my ways."

"How was your day?"  Will changed the subject.

"Not the best.  I kind of hit a wall with the Hecate campers.  Also I have a monster headache."

"Well, why didn't you say something sooner."  Will moved his fingers to Nico's temples and started to rub slow circles.

Nico felt tingles run across his scalp and wasn't sure if Will was working his healing magic or if he really was just that good.


"Oh yeah."  Nico sighed.

Will leaned down to kiss Nico's nose.  Nico moved his head up slightly so his and Will's lips met and the two stayed like that for a moment.  Nico found it amazing how kissing Will could make the world melt away.

"Someone's feeling bold."  Will observed.

"I don't have an audience right now.  Plus, I don't hear any objections."

Nico yawned and stretched.  Even if his headache had dissapeared, the ache from that morning had returned and seemed to be resonating from his very bones.  He tried not to show his discomfort.

The boys both perked their heads up as the bell signaling dinner time rang.  Nico's stomach growled and Will laughed.  The two got up and made their way to the dining pavilion where spaghetti was being served.  Nico loaded his plate, sat down, and waited for Will.

Will sat down and started to eat his food.  After a moment he looked up at Nico, who was simply twirling noodles around with his fork.

"What's wrong?"

"I just don't have much of an appetite suddenly."  Nico knew his stomach was empty and he had been ravenous moments before, but his stomach twisted sickeningly at the thought of food.

"Okay.  Try to eat something at least?"

Nico knew there was no way that he would be eating the spaghetti, but settled for a wedge of watermelon to appease Will.

Nico only started to feel worse and decided to skip the nightly bonfire.  Will didn't protest, saying that hopefully a good night's sleep would help.  He gave Nico a kiss on the cheek and they parted ways.  Nico went to his cabin, changed into his pajamas, and quickly fell asleep.

So I had this almost completely written and it was over 2000 words! I'm going to post a part 2 very soon!  Told y'all I can't resist Solangelo!
P.P.S. I've always kept my fics at around 1000 words and if they went over that I just did a part 2.  Would it matter to you guys if I posted one long fic or would you rather I stick with posting in parts?  I'm not sure it actually matter, but let me know in the comments!

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