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Hello friends! In honor of Finals Week (Hell Week) being just around the corner I thought I would distract myself with some OTP going through finals week as well.  I also forgot to post about it, but my one year anniversary on Wattpad just past and I just want you all to know that I love writing this story and I love all of my readers!  Being able to write here has given me an escape over the past year and it's really just a huge bonus that so many of you like my work.  Keep being amazing and read on my lovelies!

Percy took one last look at his English Lit paper and clicked save.  He closed the laptop with a groan.

"This is why we don't leave things until the last minute."  Annabeth chided walking up behind him.

"I work best under pressure."

"Seaweed Brain I know all the ways you work best and under pressure is not one of them."

Percy coughed in response.

"And now you're going to get sick."

"Am not."  Percy stifled another cough.

"I won't say I told you so."

"Technically you did just say I told you so.  Anyways, I have two finals tomorrow and I have to hand this paper in to my professor and then it's you, me, and the beach."

"The way you look right now, you'll be spending the next few days in bed."  Annabeth made to touch a hand to Percy's cheek.

"I'll be fine," Percy shied away from her hand, "I just need a good nights sleep."

"It's four a.m. Percy.  I think it's safe to say that a good night's sleep is out of the question."

Percy looked at his phone in surprise.

"What are you still doing up, Wise Girl?"

"Remember, I finished all of my finals today so I agreed to keep you company while you write a five page paper that's due tomorrow, correction, today.  We had an entire conversation about this."

Percy racked his brain for memory of the conversation. He came up blank.

"Well I'm going to at least try to get some sleep."  Percy yawned. He got up and walked to his bed feeling an ache all over that he hoped was just from sitting in a desk chair for hours on end.  He dropped onto his bed with a grunt and a wet cough.

"Stay the night?"  Percy made grabby hands toward Annabeth.

"You know there are rules about staying in a boy's dorm.  What about your room mate?  The R.A. already hates you."

"This is all true, but how many times did rules stop you staying the night at Camp Half-Blood? Plus, Jason is always staying with Piper anyways.  I really don't think he'd mind."

"You make a compelling argument Mr. Jackson." Annabeth went to the drawer where she kept a spare set of clothes, this wasn't the first time Percy had asked her to sleep over.  She changed and crawled into the twin bed beside Percy.  He shivered, but Annabeth could feel how warm he was.

"You better not get me sick, Seaweed Brain."

A snore came as the reply.  Annabeth curled up next to Percy and quickly fell asleep.

The next morning Percy woke unable to breath out of his nose and a scratchy throat.  He groggily sat up and looked around.

"Morning."  Annabeth sat up beside him.

"Morning." Percy winced at how raspy his voice sounded.

"Should I say it?"

"Don't even think about it Wise Girl.  I'm fine.  I need to get going so I can hand in my Lit paper."  Percy got up and had to stop when a coughing fit almost had him doubled over.  Ignoring a look from Annabeth, he quickly found some sweat pants and a t-shirt that were most likely clean and changed. He shivered and sniffled as he slung his backpack over his shoulder.

"Good luck today Seaweed Brain."

"Thanks Wise Girl." Percy pecked Annabeth on the cheek and headed out the door.

Percy quickly realized that this was not going to be a good day. His eyes watered, he couldn't stop sneezing, and his throat burned like fire with every cough.  He just prayed to all of the gods to get through the next four hours and get back to his dorm and sleep.

Percy quickly handed in his Lit paper and went to his Biology class for the final.  Biology was usually no problem for Percy. Today however, the words swam across the page and his head ached from focusing.  He circled the last answer on his test and handed it in to the professor.  His mind was growing foggier by the second.  One more test and he would be able to collapse in bed and sleep for the next week.

He slowly walked to his Government class.  Grover Underwood, his best friend, came up beside him on his crutches.  Since they were in the mortal world and the Mist would only cover so much, Grover had once again donned his crutches and long pants to cover his furry bottom half.

"Hey man. You feeling okay?"

"Yeah I'm just ready to get this over with."

"I hear that.  My friend Sarah had this class last semester and she said the test wasn't too bad."

"Great."  Percy said with a deadpan expression.  His headache had turned to full on throbbing and he just wanted to get somewhere quiet.

Grover looked worried but didn't push the matter.  The two walked in silence across campus.  Once in the Government classroom Percy gratefully fell into a seat.  The test was handed out and Sarah, whoever she was, had been right.  Percy was reasonably sure that he had done well.  He quickly left the classroom and crossed the campus to his room.  When he got back to his room Annabeth was waiting with a triumphant gleam in her eye.

"You can say it."  Percy raised his hands in defeat as he flopped down onto the bed and closed his eyes.  Had his bed always been this comfortable.

"I so told you so."  Annabeth laughed as she handed him some Tylenol and a glass of water, she really did know him well.

Percy took the medicine and the water.  His body finally gave in to the cold.  He shivered under the blanket and coughed.

"Come cuddle with me?"

"Oh no. I am not falling for that again."

Percy pouted.

"Uggh fine! You better not breath on me!"

"Deal."  Percy rasped.

Annabeth crawled over Percy and wedged herself between him and the wall.  Percy coughed once again and she rubbed his back until she felt his breathing even out, signaling that he was asleep for the moment. She hugged him close and quickly fell asleep as well.

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