Elephant in The Room

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Hello my lovelies! I am absolutely living for the response to my latest story! I asked if you all might like a little drabble of that conversation between Percy and Jason in Lessons Learned and so many (like five of you) said yes! I've been wanting to write this for so long and I hope it turns out well! Let me know what you think in the comments!

Jason was sitting at his apartment in New Rome. He had been trying to listen to music, but his mind was still reeling from the night of the party. He hadn't seen Percy for nearly a week. He just didn't know what to say. Percy liked him? As in, he wasn't straight? Annabeth knew? Just thinking about talking to Percy again made Jason anxious.

Don't get him wrong, Percy was one of Jason's best friends and he loved him like a brother. Nothing could ever change that. 

He just wasn't sure where to go from here. Gods, Jason wasn't even  sure Percy remembered what he'd said. Did he talk to Percy? Did he ignore it?

Jason just had to fix the problem at the root. 

Before he could talk himself out of it, Jason was slipping his shoes on and leaving the frat house, where he usually spent time between classes rather than go all the way back to his apartment. He let his feet carry him down the familiar path to Percy's apartment since his mind was preoccupied with what he was about to do.

Too soon Jason was standing outside of Percy's apartment. He steeled himself, taking a few deep breaths and running his fingers through his hair. Even though the old weapon was long gone Jason reached into his pocket half expecting to feel lvlis, a ritual he had performed to give himself courage many times when he was due to give a speech in front of the Senate or lead a legion into battle.  He brought his hand out of his pocket and knocked on the door to Percy and Annabeth's apartment.

"Don't be home. Don't be home." Jason chanted under his breath. Nevertheless, he broke into a grin as soon as Percy appeared at the door.

"Hey! I was starting to think Hera had made you disappear again. Come on in."

"Hey man, I think we need to talk." Jason said as he stepped inside.

Percy's eyes seemed to get a murky green, like the sea on a beautiful day right before a storm.

"I think I know what this is about." Percy huffed.

"You-you do?" Maybe he did remember.

"Annabeth told me that I smelled like puke when I got back from the party. Did I puke on you? That would explain why I haven't seen you lately. I wouldn't want to be around the guy that went wild at his first party and puked on me either." Percy looked ashamed.

"No dude! You did puke, but you mostly made it into the bushes. We both made it through the night clean." Jason laughed.

"Oh my gods! That's a relief. I thought for sure you'd never want to be seen with me again!"

"It's all good man." Jason and Percy moved to sit at the kitchen table.

"Okay then. If I didn't puke on you, what do we need to talk about?"

"What do you remember about the party?" Jason asked. All of his instincts were telling him to run as far away as he could from this conversation. 

"I remember toga dudes, then there were the drinks, then Savannah-" Percy cut himself off and looked at Jason fear stricken, "Oh my gods! Did I-did I cheat on Annabeth?" Percy looked like he might cry.

"Oh gods no! I would never let you do something like that. Honestly, you were pretty much completely oblivious that she was even trying to flirt with you."

"Ok." Percy looked beyond relieved. "After Savannah I remember drinking. A lot. After that it gets fuzzy. I remember you getting me pretzels and that's about it. I sort of remember you bringing me home. And...that's it until the next morning."

"You don't remember anything else? You don't remember telling me anything?"


"Okay, um, listen Percy. You told me something at the party and I've really been debating what to do about it. Part of me didn't want to talk about it at all since it really doesn't matter, but I think we need to talk about it." Jason spat out in one breath.

"What did I do?" Percy looked halfway between laughing and being scared.

"You told me that you like me."

"Of course I like you. You're my third best friend." Percy tried to laugh.

"Percy, you told me you love me. In a more than friend's way."

"I was hoping that was just some alcohol induced nightmare." Percy wouldn't meet Jason's eye.

"So you do remember!"

"It's just-it's complicated man. I'm sorry I made it weird. You don't have to invite me to parties anymore. I won't mind." There was an edge to Percy's voice.

"What are you talking about?"

"I don't want you to feel weird. Don't feel like you have to be my friend just because I'm the guy you rejected."

"What in Hades name are you talking about? You're my brother Percy. I don't care if you're straight, gay, bisexual, or anything in between. I couldn't care less."

"You don't think it's just a phase or I'm just curious or I just can't make up my mind?"

"No. This is part of your identity in the same way that Reyna is a lesbian or Nico is gay. It's part of who you are. You are the same person to me that you've always been. I'll admit that I don't feel the same way, but I do love you like a brother and I want you to be happy. Are you happy?"

"Yeah." Percy once again had the unmistakable glint of tears in his eyes.

"How long have you known?" Jason asked after a moment.

"Honestly, I denied it for a long time. I told myself it was a normal thing. Eventually, I figured out the feelings I had for both girls and guys were the same. I'm still wrapping my head around it and I haven't really told anyone. Annabeth figured it out though. She's scary smart."

"Is it everybody?" Jason asked sheepishly.

"Do you find everybody attractive?" Percy's voice dripped with sarcasm.

"Point taken."

"I'm not sure how many other people I'm ready to tell yet. I'm just coming to terms with it myself."

"I won't rush you into anything and this doesn't change anything between us. You can tell whoever you want if and when you get ready."


"No problem. For the record, even if it was an accident I'm glad you told me. I'll always be here to support you. No matter what." Jason looked Percy in the eye and hoped the other boy knew he meant every word.

"So what now?" Percy asked, half to himself.

"Do you wanna go get some food? We can meet up with Frank on the way."


Percy went to his and Annabeth's bedroom to get his shoes. He sat down on the bed to tie his sneaker and let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding and felt a weight lift off of his back he hadn't even known was there.

"Pizza?" Jason grinned.

"Pizza." Percy agreed as he opened the door and locked it behind Jason.

Jason and Percy fell into comfortable silence on the walk to Frank's Praetor's villa. It was just before three o'clock, so there weren't many people on the streets. 

Jason noticed a guy that looked a bit like himself on the opposite side of the street and nudged Percy.

"Him?" Jason motioned toward the guy.

"Dude! Too soon. Also, yes." Percy smirked.

Jason rolled his eyes. He was glad to have his brother back.

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