"It's the Great Halloween Party, Will Solace!"

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Hello my lovelies! I got a request for some Halloween shenanigans from rcrnkovi05 Get ready for a super cute, slightly late, Solangelo Halloween! As always, let me know what you think in the comments and feel free to hop on over to my inbox if you have any prompts or ideas! 

P.S. Please appreciate my punny title.

There weren't many big holiday celebrations at Camp Half Blood. Sure, most of the campers celebrated Christmas, the Summer Solstice, or a minor holiday (sorry Cupid) like Valentine's Day. However nobody celebrated every holiday, until it came to Halloween that is. Halloween had been a camp wide event as long as anyone could remember, rumor had it that Chiron would throw amazing parties back in his Party Pony days. Everyone got excited in the planning of the holiday. October 31st was set aside for games, parties, and candy every year, and Will Solace thought this year would be just the same. He was wrong.

It all started on the 30th.

Will woke up and just felt blah. He lay in bed for a moment trying to pinpoint the source of the feeling. Nothing in particular hurt and he was in an otherwise good mood. Will decided that it must just be a blah day. He pushed himself up out of bed and started getting ready for the day. Will took mental note of the soreness that radiated through his body as he moved around while getting ready, but attributed it to moving heavy equipment in the infirmary the day before. He finished getting dressed, gave himself a once over in the bathroom mirror, took two ibuprofen for the soreness and went about his day.

By the end of the day Will ached all over, had a cough, a constant runny nose, and what he could pretty confidently say was a low grade fever. Will assured himself that it was definitely just a cold from the weather changing so rapidly over the past few weeks. He told Nico and Kayla that he was fine and promised to go to bed extra early, not that he needed much convincing, and take the next day off from the infirmary. Will was asleep before his head hit the pillow.

It was definitely not a cold. 

Will opened his eyes to sun shining through his window at an odd angle that told him it was almost 10 a.m., way past his usual 6 a.m. wake up call. He was beginning to be glad that Kayla had made him take the day off. Will took a moment to assess the state his body was in. Everything hurt. His body ached like he'd run one of those marathons that the Ares campers were always so excited about, he couldn't take a deep breath without his chest hurting, the low grade fever from last night had reached a boiling point judging by the way he was shivering and sweating. Nope. Definitely not a cold.

Even so, Will knew he couldn't stay in bed today of all days. All of his friends were counting on him to help with the dance later that night. Nico was counting on him.

That thought alone pulled Will out of bed, which may have been a bad idea in hindsight. The pain covering Will's body like a blanket doubled as he stood up and the resulting pressure in his head, presumably from the fact that he couldn't seem to fill his lungs properly, created a pretty impressive headache. All in all, Will couldn't actually remember the last time he felt this bad.

He persevered though. His friends were counting on him. Will got dressed slowly, trying not to aggravate his sore muscles any further and failing miserably. After he got dressed, Will went to the bathroom and dug through the medicine cabinet, hoping to find something stronger than ibuprofen. Will thanked the gods when he found Dayquil. After Will had self medicated he went to the dining pavilion where breakfast was hopefully still being served.

"Morning sun-you look like crap." Nico observed worriedly.

"Good morning to you too. You look wonderful as always." Will quipped.

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