Over The Hills and Through The Woods

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Hello my loves! Ahh!! It's been 84 years!!! Life has been crazy over the past five months! However, I'm back and intend to clear my "To Be Written" list, which has grown exponentially in the last five months! Thank you to all of the new people that have come along in my absence and to everyone that stuck around! I love you all! Now onto the story!

Hello my loves! I hope you are all having a good week! This request for carsick Percy comes from the always wonderful joverton707. I have never been carsick, but I've been up close and personal with it thanks to my little sister,  ponytailsandbooks. As always, let me know what you think in the comments and feel free to drop into my inbox with a prompt or if for a chat!

P.S. Go follow ponytailsandbooks if you have a craving for Solangelo, but be warned, her update schedule is just about as  regular as mine. 

Percy put the last suitcase in the back of Paul's-still dented-Prius. Paul insisted that the pegasus sized indentation on the roof gave the car "character". Percy closed the trunk and walked around the car to see Paul wrestling with Estelle's new carseat.

"Problems?" Percy smirked, leaning against the car.

"No, no. It's just that this carseat was apparently built for space travel." Paul wiped a trickle of sweat off of his forehead as he looked at all of the belts and buckles protruding from the carseat.

Percy, Annabeth, and his family were going to Montauk for a week. Fresh off of their first year at New Rome, Percy and Annabeth had wanted to just stay home and relish in the fact that they had almost gone an entire year without almost dying. However, Sally Jackson had other plans. She insisted that everyone pack up and go to Montauk. She said it would do everyone some good to get out of the city. Percy informed her that he and Annabeth had just spent a year outside of the city. Sally just waved him off.

A year ago, Percy would have loved nothing more than to go to Montauk and get away from everything. Montauk had been his favorite place-his safe place-for as long as he could remember. Now, that place was bursting with memories, some good and some- the thought hit Percy so hard that it could have knocked the wind out of him. Jason. This was the first time he'd be going back to Long Island, the first time he'd be even close to camp since Jason's funeral rites. The look of uncomfortable grief must have been written on Percy's face. Paul looked up to meet Percy's eyes and gave him a hopeful half-smile. He knew better than to ask about it now, Percy would always say he was fine. Percy tried to return the smile, but couldn't quite make the corners of his mouth turn upward.

"Almost ready?" Sally's voice cut through Percy's thoughts. She was walking down the steps leading to the apartment with Annabeth, Estelle bouncing on her hip, following closely.

"We would be if Target hadn't given us a carseat obviously meant for flying on space shuttles." Paul whined.

"Let me try." Sally smiled. She moved her hands around quickly pulling belts and pushing buttons, and stood back to admire her handy work when she was done.

"You continue to be amazing." Paul looked awed as he stepped out of the car and pulled Sally into a kiss.

"Gross!" Percy laughed as he covered Estelle's eyes. This made Estelle laugh, which made Annabeth laugh, and then they were all laughing.

"Now you two know how we feel." Sally smiled and rolled her eyes as she took Estelle from Annabeth to place her in the carseat.

"Percy?" Annabeth sounded nervous.

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