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Hi friends!  The inspiration bug took a rather long vacation from my mind, but it is back for the moment. I have searched everywhere for Magnus Chase sicfic content and have had no luck so I'm taking matters into my own hands.  This will contain spoilers so if you have not read Hammer of Thor  you have been warned.

Magnus Chase was a powerful son of Frey and an einherji. He was invincible, at least within the walls of Hotel Valhalla.  Ever since arriving in Valhalla Magnus had survived things no human could even dream of. Even the things he didn't survive he was usually resurrected before dinner time.  Magnus chase was very powerful indeed so you can imagine his surprise when he awoke one morning in Hotel Valhalla to nausea, a headache, and generally feeling like he had received a particularly bad stomping from a dragon at a Thursday night battle to the death.

Magnus woke to a knock at his door, but to him it felt like Ratatoskr had come from the world tree and was currently using his head to break nuts in half.  The knocking at the door continued and Magnus realized that it probably wouldn't stop until he answered.  He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and was hit by sudden vertigo and almost brained himself on a nearby sculpture of a very lifelike sword and shield.

"Good job Magnus.  Dying before breakfast would be a new low, even for you."

Magnus reached the door and turned the handle on his hotel room door to find a certain brown/green eyed girl on the other side.  Magnus wasn't sure how he could tell that Alex was a girl today, but it was kind of like when you see a picture and then you look at it from a different angle only to realize it makes an entirely new picture.  Alex simply invited herself in even though Magnus had yet to even utter a "good morning".  Alex flopped onto the bed and gave Magnus a once over. 

"You look like crap."  Alex said simply.

"Thanks, I feel like I got used as a chew toy for Cerberus."

Alex gave him a quizzical look. "Who?"

"Nevermind.  Can I help you with something?"

"TJ and the others sent me to find you. You missed breakfast and Bingo To The Death."

Magnus tried his best to look hurt. "No, not Bingo To The Death!"

"Whatever.  Just get dressed.  We're all going to watch a presentation over the ways to kill someone with a pen."

"How would you kill someone with a pen?"

Alex simply shrugged and made herself more comfortable on the bed.

"Aren't you going to leave since I'm about to be, you know, naked?"

"I don't mind.  It's nothing I haven't seen before."

Magnus began to blush and quickly turned toward his bureau to dig out a shirt and some jeans.  He immediately realized this was a bad idea when a particularly bad spell of vertigo hit him and he was forced to hold the bureau to steady himself.  This round of vertigo also brought it's friend, nausea.  Magnus ran for the bathroom towards the front of his hotel room and promptly spilled last night's falafel and meade from his stomach.

"That was gross."

Magnus only realized Alex had followed him to the bathroom when he heard her voice.

Magnus moved to rest his back against the claw-foot bath tub, partly because he wasn't sure if his stomach was done revolting and partly because he didn't actually have the energy to get to his feet.

"Tell me about it.  I thought einherji couldn't get sick."

"Well technically the deal is that you can't die, granted that the illness won't kill you I'd say you're on your own for this one."

"Can you get back to bed?"

"I think so."  Magnus stood and stumbled a bit before Alex caught his arm.

"You're like a baby deer."

"Shutup" was all Magnus could manage.

After Alex helped Magnus back under his white duvet she stood back and looked at him.

"Well, what now?"

"What do you mean, what now?"

"Whenever I was sick as a kid my parents would just have one of my nannies look after me.  I'm kind of at a loss in this situation."

"You're not required to stay and nurse me back to health Alex.  I was on the streets for 2 years with Hearth and Blitz.  I can take care of myself here.  Also, you had a nanny?"

"They never stuck around.  The last one had a nervous breakdown after I shifted into a monkey."

"I need more information on that story later. For now, just go on with the others.  I'll catch up when I'm feeling better."

"Okay then."  Alex left and Magnus swore he could see a hint of worry in her eyes as she left.

Once he was alone Magnus tried to go back to sleep, and when that didn't work he tried reading.  He was two chapters into some mystery thriller, honestly he wasn't paying much attention, when his stomach lurched again and he was sent running for the bathroom.

After emptying his stomach of its remaining contents Magnus tried to stand.  That did not work. His knees buckled and he fell back onto his butt.  Magnus felt fatigue wash over him and decided that this was as good of a place as any to take a nap and curled up on the tiled floor and quickly fell asleep.

Magnus had forgotten how weird dreams can be when you're sick and had many shifting dreams that made no sense.  One such dream involved sitting on a porch with Odin drinking tea and listening to Thor play the banjo.

When Magnus woke he was no longer on the floor.  He was in his bed with a fresh glass of water and a lined trash can beside the bed.  Magnus didn't recall moving so the only explanation was the cleaning service or-.  Magnus nearly laughed out loud when he had the thought.  Had Alex Fierro really taken pity on him and carried him to bed?

After another two days of feeling like he had been sat on by Utgard Loki, Magnus was finally well enough to venture out into the halls of Valhalla again only to find that Alex Fierro had been taken down by the same stomach bug that had plagued him.  If Alex ever figured out how she got from the bathroom floor to her bed or how a full glass of water was always at her bedside she never mentioned it.

Thank you so much for reading!  I hope you enjoyed.  I am always open to feedback, requests, and general conversation.  You can talk to me here or reach me on tumblr where my username is bearhugsandcinnamonbuns.  

Heroes of Olympus/Magnus Chase SickficsWhere stories live. Discover now