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Magnus woke one morning to a small headache right between his eyebrows and shivering all over, even though he was covered by a goose down duvet and his Hotel Valhalla pajamas.  He looked at the time and realized that he should already be eating breakfast with the rest of floor 19.  Magnus quickly changed into his regular t-shirt and jeans and grabbed the chain containing the sword of summer pendant, who liked to be called Jack, and fastened it around his neck before rushing out the door.

Magnus arrived in the dining hall just as his hall mates started chowing down on what looked to be a full english breakfast.  Just looking at the food made his stomach want to fold in on itself.  Magnus grabbed a plate of toast and eggs and sat down across from Halfborn and Mallory Keen who were currently arguing over the best way to bring a swift death to an enemy.  He started poking at his eggs with a fork when Alex Fierro dropped down beside him.

"Morning sunshine."


"What do you mean no?" Magnus asked.

"I have not had my coffee yet.  No talking until coffee."  Alex informed Magnus while still looking half asleep.

With that Magnus watched Halfborn and Mallory argue the art of stabbing versus bludgeoning.  When Alex finally finished her cup of coffee she looked up at Magnus.

'Now.  Now you may speak."

Magnus was staring blankly at his eggs.

"Hello, earth to Maggie."  Alex waved her hand in front of his face.


"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, why would you ask?"

"Well, you look paler than usual, you're shaking like a leaf, and you look dead on your feet."

"I'm totally fine.  I just got lost in thought and it's cold in here."

Alex shrugged and chose to let the argument go for now but decided to keep an eye on Magnus for the rest of the day.

Around lunch time Alex noticed Magnus getting worse.  He was still shaking and had developed a sheen of sweat on his face that Alex suspected had nothing to do with sparring practice.

"Why don't you go take a breather Magnus, we've been sparring for a while."

"No, I'm totally fine."  This would have been more convincing if he had not had to stifle a cough immediately after.

Alex knew that Magnus was just going to continue being stubborn about this so she decided to call in reinforcements.

Samirah Al abbas could be called many things and near the top of that list was the word stubborn.  This usually came in handy especially in her job as a Valkyrie.  You could definitely say that Sam was stubborn and she usually got her way when she put her mind to something.

Sam was walking through the lobby of Hotel Valhalla when she literally ran into Magnus.

"Woah, Magnus are you okay?"

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?"

"Probably because you look like you got trampled by dragons."

""I'm fine.  I'm a son of the god of healing.  I can't get sick."

With that Magnus walked toward the elevator and Samira immediately ran into Alex Fierro.

"Woah, Alex what's the hurry?"

"Something is up with Magnus.  He's been shivering and coughing all morning.  I was actually on my way to find you to see what we should do."

"I'm not sure. I didn't think einherji could get sick, but I guess there's a first time for everything.  Also, I don't know a lot about Magnus' past but I know that he was on the streets for two years before he died so being sick couldn't have been easy out there.  I think he's just in denial."

"So what can we do?"

"I say just keep an eye on him and if he starts to get worse force him into bed if you have to."

"Aye-aye sir!" Alex got a mischievous glint in her eye and mock saluted Sam.  With that Alex took off in the direction magnus had gone.

Magnus was in the battle arena sparring with a dummy when his day started to get really bad.  He was sweating buckets, but it felt like someone had turned the air conditioning to sub-zero. His vision was fuzzy around the edges and everything seemed too bright.  Right before his eyes rolled back in his head he heard someone yelling his name and saw someone run toward him.  

When Magnus woke up he was in his hotel room and he wondered if he had died and been resurrected.  He could hear voices around the room, but he couldn't seem to gather the energy to turn his head.  He was about to drift back into sleep when Alex Fierro's green hair appeared over him.

"Guys, he's awake."

After that three other faces belonging to Samira, Hearthstone, and Blitzen joined Alex looking over him.

"What the hel Magnus? Why didn't you tell anyone you didn't feel well?"  Alex exclaimed.

"What happened?"

"You passed out in the battle arena and you're lucky Alex found you or this could have ended much worse.  When we finally got to you, you had a fever of 102 and rising.  It's a wonder your brain didn't boil."

"Sam and Alex called us right after they found you.  Don't scare us like that kid!"  Blitzen said with a worried expression.

Hearthstone simply made the sign for "worry" and gave Magnus a pitying look.

"I'm sorry I worried you guys.  I thought it was just a little cold and that I could power through it."

With a little maneuvering Magnus sat up on his pillows and looked around at his friends.  He took a deep breath, which actually proved pretty difficult, and began to explain himself.

"I really didn't mean to worry you.  It's just that ever since I was on the streets I hate getting sick, because getting sick out there probably means you're gonna bite it.  I thought that if I just ignored this it would go away.  I couldn't let myself feel like that again."

For a moment everyone was quiet and then Sam broke the silence.

"You don't have to be afraid anymore magnus.  We're always going to be here for you and we'll always protect you."

With that they all decided to let Magnus rest and began filing out of the room until only Alex remained.

"That was a really stupid move not telling us."

"I know."  Magnus wheezed as he looked down sullenly.

"You could have at least come to me. Did you forget that I was homeless too?  I could have understood at the very least."

"I hadn't thought about that."

"You're really good at that." Alex said with a half grin.


"Not thinking."

"Shut up."  Magnus tossed a throw pillow at Alex just as she shut the door.

Magnus ended up having a run of the mill flu and spent the next few days in bed.  When he was finally better Sam made him solemnly promise to always tell her when he was sick or injured.  After that week Alex always kept a close eye on Magnus and would threatened him with decapitation if he ever decided to lie again.

Hi friends!  I received this prompt from @KeilaMarie102 and it turned out more angsty than I originally planned but I hope I did it justice! I'm sorry my update took so long.  I have been Stressed this week between working Black Friday in a retail store and thanksgiving with my family.As always tell me what you think and send me a request if you want.  I'm always open to chatting as well! 

Heroes of Olympus/Magnus Chase SickficsWhere stories live. Discover now