The Cabin

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Your POV

"Ugh" I groaned, flopping down on the bed next to Shawn. I had just gotten back from work and I felt like I was drowning in responsibility. I was so stressed.

"What's wrong, babe?" Shawn asked.

"Work" I grumbled.

Shawn was quiet for a moment before he said "Why don't we both take off of work for a while and spend some time together alone?"

"That sounds great, but I don't know if I can take off."

"I can get Andrew to take care of it."

I smiled. Andrew was the most efficient person I had ever met, and I knew he could do anything. That and he was my boss's idol. My boss wanted to be a manager for famous singers, and Andrew happened to be his favorite. "All right, then. Let's do it," I agreed.

"Ok. I'll call Andrew. You go pack clothes for a few days," Shawn ordered.

Pack clothes? I had just thought we would be sitting around the house. But I trusted Shawn. I did what he told me. It was fall, so I packed some casual, cozy clothes. I packed enough for a week, but I wasn't sure how long we'd be gone. By the time I was done, Shawn had hung up with Andrew.

"He can do it. You don't have to work for a week," Shawn declared.

"God, I love Andrew," I laughed.

"He is pretty great," Shawn agreed.

Shawn took a few minutes to find some clothes for himself. He packed a lot of jeans and long sleeved shirts. (cozy Shawn😍) Before I knew it, we were heading out the door. When we were settled in Shawn's jeep, I asked "So where exactly are we going?"

"It's a surprise." Shawn smiled and winked at me.

"But you know I hate surprises," I whined.

"Yep. But I don't care," Shawn cheerfully said back.

"You are so annoying," I muttered.

"But you love me," Shawn said, leaning in for a kiss.

I sighed and pecked his lips before saying "You know I do."

Shawn started the jeep, and we began our journey. We were in the car for about an hour. Along the way, we screamed Ed Sheeran songs at the top of our lungs.

We were driving through the woods for about 15 minutes until Shawn pulled into the driveway of a beautiful log cabin.

I gasped. "This is amazing, Shawn."

"I thought you might like it."

"It's so isolated. I love it."

"When I said we should be alone together, I meant alone."

Shawn got out of the car and came around to open my door and help me out. He took my hand, and we walked up the sidewalk and steps. When we reached the door, Shawn pulled out a key. I wondered how Shawn had managed to get a cabin, and I was going to ask, but I forgot all about it when the door opened. The inside was just as amazing, if not more, as the outside. It was pretty much all wood, but there was modern technology. I vaguely heard Shawn tell me he was going to get the luggage, and he left.

I did a small exploration of the downstairs floor. There was the living room, which had a pullout leather couch and a matching love seat, with a coffee table in front of them. There was a flat screen TV set up on the wall across the room and to the right, there was a fire place. I went to the kitchen, where there was a counter with stools set up against a wall with many bottles of alcohol next to it. There were also the standard kitchen appliances and a dining table. Then I moved to look out of the sliding glass back door. There was a patio with a hot tub on it. The area was surrounded by glass that you could look out of and see into the woods. I absolutely loved it, and I hadn't even gone to the second floor.
Soon, Shawn came back with both of our suitcases. He carried them upstairs and I followed.

Upstairs, there was a bathroom, a bedroom, and a studio. The bathroom had a wooden sink, a toilet that looked wooden, and a huge bathtub that could probably fit 3 full grown people. The studio was filled with guitars, pianos, microphones, and a drum set. Finally, I came to the bedroom and was awed all over again. There was a fake bubbling spring in the corner, there was a balcony that faced west, so it had an amazing view of the sunset. There was a wooden dresser with a TV on top of it and a huge, walk in closet. And then there was the bed. It was a 4- poster bed with a canopy on top of it. I went to sit on it and it was very soft and comfortable, but I thought it was a bit much.

"Why is the bed the fanciest thing in here?" I asked Shawn.

"I think you know why," Shawn responded with a wink.

I blushed and stood up. "Okay. If we're going to be here for a week, then we should probably unpack. You take the bathroom stuff and I'll unpack the clothes."

"Yes ma'm" Shawn smiled and took the bathroom bag.

I quickly hung up all the clothes that needed to be hung up. Then I moved to the dresser and put up all of the pajamas, underwear, and my lingerie. (😉) As I was finishing up, Shawn came back. I slowly walked towards him and snaked my arms around his waist. His arms automatically moved around around me and pulled me against his chest.

We stayed like that for a moment before Shawn said "Well now that we're here and settled, what do you want to do?"

"I might have an idea," I said, pulling Shawn's lips down to mine. When he pulled back I said "It involves the bed."

Shawn grinned as I pushed him down on the bed and crawled on top of him... I'm going to leave the rest up to your imagination.

I like this imagine. It was inspired by Shawn's studio, "Lay Low" by Josh Turner, "Sanctuary" by James TW, and sort of, my grandparents. My grandparents' house looks just like the cabin in the story. Minus the music studio and add 2 bedrooms. There will also be a Part 2 to this

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