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I sighed and flopped back on my unmade bed. I had wanted to go out to the movies with Shawn, but I had to clean my room. I glanced up to look around my room. It was a total disaster. There were both clean and dirty clothes scattered everywhere; in the floor, spilling out of the closet, draped on the back of a chair. And my desk was covered in papers and a few empty cups and plates. I groaned and laid back down.

Just then my phone dinged from the bedside table. I rolled over to get it. The screen glowed with a message from Shawn.

S: Are we on tonight for the movies?
Me: Sadly, no. I have to clean my room😞
S: Can I come over then? I'll help you clean your room
M: But that won't be very much fun
S: It'll be fun if I'm with you
M: I can ask I guess

"Mom," I called. "Can Shawn come over?"

"You have to clean your room!," she yelled back.

"He said he'd help me!"

There was a long pause until she finally said, "All right. Fine. If you promise to only clean your room."

I rolled my eyes. "We will, Mom. Shawn's not like that." Around you, anyway I silently added.

I picked my phone back up to text Shawn.
M: She said yes
S: I'll be there in about 5 minutes❤️
M: See you then😘

I decided that I should probably get started, so I sat up. I spent a few minutes just looking around my room, thinking about how much I really didn't want to clean it. When I finally got up, I opted to take the dishes down to the kitchen. I gathered all the plates and forks and carried them downstairs and put them in the sink, where my mom was doing dishes. As I was going back up the stairs, the doorbell rang. I quickly turned around and rushed to open the door, revealing Shawn with his hands in his pockets and his head down slightly. His face broke out into a smile when he saw me. I smiled back and stepped out of the doorway so he could come in.

I gave him a quick peck on the lips once he was inside. As we broke apart, my mom came into the kitchen doorway, wiping her hands on a dish towel. She smiled at Shawn. "Hi, Shawn."

Shawn turned on his special 100 watt smile that he saved for adults. It had completely won my mom over the first time she met him, and now she loved him. "Hello Mrs. Y/L/N."

Before my mom could say anything else and drag Shawn into an hour long conversation, I took his arm and gently tugged on it. "Well, we're going to go upstairs now."

"All right, sweetie. Just remember: cleaning only." The last sentence held more of a warning, and it was clearly intended for me. Shawn chuckled, and I huffed and headed upstairs, taking Shawn with me.

Shawn's eyes widened when he saw the state of my room. "Jesus, Y/N. When was the last time you cleaned this?"

"Um... before you went on tour," I admitted.

"I was on tour for two months! You haven't cleaned it in over two months?"

I shook my head sheepishly.

"Well, we have a lot to do, so we better get started. We might even be able to make it to the movie tonight. The only problem is I'm not sure where everything goes."

"All the clothes in the chair are clean, so you can hang those up if you want, and I'll get all the dirty clothes."

Shawn nodded and headed to my closet to get a few coat hangers. He began folding and hanging up clothes while I logged into my computer to play some music in the background.

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