Jet Lag

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I was on my way to pick up Shawn from the airport. He had just spent a week in London, and now he got to come home for a month.

I spotted Shawn as soon as I walked into the airport. He was surrounded by fans, but he towered over all of them. I decided to wait until he was done with pictures, or until he spotted me. I sat on a nearby bench and watched Shawn interact with his fans. He was mostly just taking pictures as quickly as possible, but the smile never left his face. A few fans that appeared to be a group of friends noticed me and asked for a picture. I agreed and then they talked to me for a few minutes.

"Does Shawn know you're here?" one with pale blonde hair asked.

"He knew I was coming, but I don't think he's seen me yet," I answered.

"Trust me. He hasn't. If he had, he'd be over here. He loves you. Like, a lot."

Another girl nodded and chimed in. "And you're an adorable couple."

I smiled at both of them and thanked them. Then I heard Shawn's voice rise above the noise. He explained that he was ready to go home, and he apologized to everyone he hadn't taken a picture with. He finished with "I love you guys," before pressing a hand against his lips and extending it to the crowd.

"He's seen you," the blonde-haired girl said. "We had better go now. Thanks for talking to us." She held out her arms for a hug.

"No problem," I said as I hugged her.

I gave them one last smile before they walked off towards the food court. I turned around and saw Shawn walking towards me, pulling his suitcase behind him. As he got closer, I could see just how tired he was. He was still smiling, but his eyes showed that he was exhausted. He came up to me and bent down to quickly peck my lips. I was kind of surprised. We usually kept the PDA at an all time minimum. The media tended to blow up even if we just held hands in public. Even though the kiss had lasted for less than a second, I knew someone would have gotten a picture, and it would be all over Twitter later.

"I missed you," he mumbled, leaning in for another kiss. I placed a hand against his chest, stopping him. He must really be exhausted. He hated the internet's reaction to PDA more than I did. He didn't seem to care right now. He looked at me with a confused expression.

"PDA," was all I had to say to make him back off. He huffed and took a step back, shaking his head.

"Sorry," he apologized.

"It's fine. I'll kiss you in the car. Now come on." I put my hand on his shoulder blade, gently guiding him towards the exit.

He put his suitcase in the trunk before climbing into the passenger side. As promised, I gave him a better kiss in the privacy of my car. His lips lingered on mine for a few seconds longer than necessary - one of his ways of showing that he missed me.

"So what's the plan for today?" he asked when we broke apart.

"I think I'm going to drop you off at home, and then I need to go to the store. We're out of a few things."

"I want to go to the store with you though."

"I think you should go home and sleep. You look exhausted," I said, examining his face.

"I'm fine. Just a little jet lag. I'm used to it. I haven't seen you in a week. I want to spend as much time with you as I possibly can," he explained.

"I still think you should go home and sleep," I argued.

"Please?" he begged, looking at me with wide eyes.

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