Canada Day

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"What should I wear?" I groaned, rummaging through my suitcase. It was Canada Day, and I was staying at Shawn's house for it. It was my first time celebrating the holiday.

"Something with the Canadian flag on it. Or something that's red and white," Shawn replied casually, glancing up from his phone. He was already dressed in a red muscle tee that said "Canadian" in big letters.

"I don't know if I have anything like that. No... I know I don't. All I have is this red bikini," I said, waving it at him. I was the queen of overpacking, but I never packed what I actually needed.

"No. You're not going to wear that in front of the guys." Shawn's parents were on a cruise, and Aaliyah was at a friend's house, so they weren't home, but a few of Shawn's friends would be coming down later for a barbecue and fireworks.

Shawn got off the bed and disappeared into the closet. "I probably have something for you in here," he said, his voice a bit muffled. He came back out with a red T-shirt with a Canadian flag on it. "Here put this on." He tossed it to me.

He watched as I slipped out of the shirt I had been wearing. "You're not even going to look away?" I asked, jokingly. I didn't actually care whether he saw me or not.

"Nope," he said unashamedly. "We both know I've seen it all anyway. You know" he said lowly, taking a step towards me. "We have about an hour before the boys get here. We could totally do something if you want." He winked at me, placing a hand on my bare side.

I gave him a teasing smile and slowly leaned forward. Just as our lips were about to touch, I pressed a palm against his chest and gently pushed him back. He looked shocked, and I couldn't hold back a giggle.

"We have other stuff to do," I scolded, slipping the T-shirt over my head. "And we just had sex last night. It hasn't been that long. Calm your whore-mones."

Shawn rolled his eyes. "Very funny," he said dryly.

"Sorry," I said. "We really do have other things to do, though." The shirt was way too big for me. I had to tie it back with the spare ponytail on my wrist. "I will give you a kiss though."

His face brightened slightly. I smiled and walked towards him. I took his face in my hands and pressed my lips to his. His hands gently ran up and down my sides, eventually stopping on my hips. His lips were soft and warm, and they moved in sync with mine. He attempted to deepen the kiss by flicking his tongue against my bottom lip. I denied him access and broke away. He made a sound of protest and tried to get to my lips again.

"Other things to do," I reminded him. "We need to go get stuff set up in the backyard."

"Fine," he sighed, releasing me. "But you owe me tonight. Whatever I want."

"Deal," I agreed. "Now come on," I said, grabbing his hand and dragging him out of the room.

"So we need to take the meat out of the refrigerator and let it thaw the rest of the way. And you need to go outside and make sure the chairs and fireworks are set up," I ordered. (Let's pretend he doesn't have a pool in his backyard)

He nodded and went out the back door. I opened the refrigerator and pulled all of the meat out. There was A LOT of it, but then again, we were feeding five boys, all of which could eat five hamburgers and seven hot dogs in one sitting.

I wandered over to look out the kitchen window to watch Shawn. He was currently setting up lawn chairs. Since his shirt was sleeveless, I could see his muscles rippling every time he moved a chair. He looked up and caught me staring. I smiled and waved at him. He mimicked me before returning to setting things up.

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