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Your POV

"Come on, Shawn," I yelled. "We're gonna be late."

Shawn had to go to an interview and since we had been dating for a while, I got dragged into it. Shawn still wasn't coming. We had to be there at 4:00 and it was 3:45. I went upstairs, searching for Shawn. He was lying in our bed, doing nothing. Just laying there. I went over to shake his shoulder.
"Come on, Shawn."

"I don't wanna do an interview today," Shawn whined. "I wanna stay home with you. And maybe stay in bed all day. Naked?" Shawn glanced at me.

"No, Shawn. Maybe when we get home, but not now. We're going to that interview.

"Fine," Shawn groaned, getting up.
When we got in the car, I noticed a bulge in Shawn's jeans. I didn't say anything, but I laughed to myself and made plans to tease him at the interview.

We made it to the interview just in time. We talked to Geoff, Andrew, and Brian, who were there too, before we were rushed out to the interviewing room. We were sitting at a table. The interviewers were sitting at the ends and Shawn and I were sitting on one side with the cameras across from us. Shawn was to my right and he was the closest to the female interviewer. The cameras started rolling and the female interviewer began the intro and introduced us. Shawn and I smiled and waved at the camera.

The interviewer started with me. She just asked the basic questions. How long had we been together? What were our plans for the future? Did I get to go on tour with Shawn? What was my favorite song off the new album? I answered these as honestly as I could. A little over two years, we weren't sure about the future, I did go on tour with Shawn, and my favorite song off Illuminate was 'Honest.' Well, my favorite song was actually 'Lights On' because it was based on me. But I decided I shouldn't say that.

Shawn remained silent through this section, but when we made eye contact, he smiled at me. And when the interviewer got to the favorite song question, I glanced at Shawn and he winked at me. He knew full well that my favorite song was 'Lights On.'
When I was done with those questions, the interviewers started asking Shawn some more basic questions about his career.

I kind of zoned out after Shawn finished talking about who his major influences were. By about the 4th question: Why was the album called Illuminate? I was very bored and decided to begin that teasing I had planned. I slid my hand onto Shawn's thigh and to his crotch. I began palming him through his jeans. Shawn's voice choked off in mid-sentence.

"I decided to call the album Illuminate because-" Shawn covered the gap with a cough and the interviewers looked slightly concerned, but Shawn assured them that he was all right and he went back to speaking.

I continued my slow torture and soon, there was a solid bulge in Shawn's pants again. When there was a slight pause in the interviewers stream of questions, I unzipped and unbuttoned Shawn's jeans and slid my hand into his briefs. I wrapped my fingers around his velvety length, but didn't move them. Shawn cleared his throat and shifted uncomfortably and shot me a dirty look. I smiled at him, innocently.

As the interviewers started asking Shawn questions again, I began pumping him. Shawn shifted slightly again and he gasped quietly, but he didn't make an audible sound. I was kind of proud of him. When the interviewers started discussing something, Shawn crossed his arms on the table, glanced down at his lap, where my hand was still pumping, and shuddered slightly.

Soon, the interviewers turned their attention back to Shawn. As Shawn started answering more questions, I moved my hand faster. I felt Shawn's thighs begin to tremble and he bit his lip, holding back a groan. I knew he was almost at his climax. But then I stopped, for two reasons. 1. It accented the teasing, and 2. If he came, it would have made a noticeable mess and I wasn't going to embarrass Shawn like that. That would be going overboard. I knew Shawn would be grateful later

Shawn muttered something under his breath, but I couldn't catch what it was. I zipped his pants back up and tried to get his button done, but I couldn't do it with one hand and putting two hands in Shawn's lap would have been too obvious. Shawn pretended to put his hands under the table and he helped me button his pants back. But he still shot me an angry look. I smiled at him.

By now, the interviewers were doing their outro. Shawn and I smiled and waved at the camera again, before the cameras shut off and the interviewers hugged both of us and we left.

As we were walking out, Shawn lowered his head and whispered "You just wait" in my ear. Then he picked up his pace and his long legs put him far ahead of me. I found Brian and he gave me a big smile.

"I know what you were doing out there," Brian laughed.

"What?" I asked, playing dumb.

"Don't give me that. I know you had your hand in Shawn's pants the whole time." (I love Brian😂)

I smiled sheepishly and Brian held his hand up for a high five. I went to slap his palm with my right hand, but he stopped me.

"Nope. The other hand," Brian said meaningfully.

"Oh, right," I laughed and slapped his hand with my left hand (A/N: if you didn't get this, Shawn was sitting to the right of you, so you were using your right hand throughout the interview😉)

I walked with Brian the rest of the way down the hallway.
"Do you think anyone else could tell?" I asked, kind of worried.

"No. Probably not," Brian laughed. "But when you've known Shawn as long as I have, you can read his facial expressions, no matter how hard he tries to hide them."

"Okay, good," I said, relaxing slightly. By now we were at the doors to go out. We left the building and Brian and I said goodbye to each other and we went to our cars. I climbed up into the Jeep, where I found Shawn sitting in silence.
"What's wrong, Daddy?" I teased.
Shawn leaned in and kissed my lips. When he pulled back, I saw that his eyes were dark with lust.

"Daddy didn't like that teasing. Now you're going to have to be punished," Shawn whispered in my ear. His voice was slightly raspy and it honestly turned me on. A lot.

I slid my hand to Shawn's thigh again, biting my lip. Shawn shot me a warning look and muttered "If I could tie you to the back seat, I'd pound you now."

Shawn began driving, slightly faster than necessary and we made it home in less than ten minutes. Shawn carried me into the house and he was good to his word. He was very rough... But I'm not sure if it was considered "punishment" or not, since I liked it...

This was longer than I thought it would be- 1238 words. And I was considering putting in that last sex scene but I thought it would be overkill. But I still really like this imagine❤️

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