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I've made you wait literally forever, so here's an early update!😊

Shawn's POV

"Thanks, girls," I said, waving to Y/N's friends with one hand while holding
Y/N up with the other.

They mumbled their goodbyes, and I closed the door, turning my full attention to Y/N who was kicking her shoes across the room. She was completely drunk. I didn't even think she could stand without my help.

"Do you have anything to drink?" she slurred. "I'm thirsty." She took a step away from me but stumbled. I caught her before she could hit the ground.

"Why don't you go sit over here, and I'll get you something to drink?" I suggested, guiding her towards the couch. "Stay here," I ordered as she sat down.

She looked up at me with wide eyes and nodded.

I headed towards the kitchen and took a glass out of the cabinet. As I finished filling it up, I heard a loud crash from the living room.

I set the glass down and rushed back to the living room to see what happened. Y/N was sitting on the floor next to the tipped over coffee table.

"What did you do?" I asked with exasperation.

"I wanted to come to the kitchen, but the table got in my way," she explained.

"I told you to stay on the couch," I said, coming over to move the coffee table and then crouch down next to her.

"Yeah, but I missed you," she responded, throwing her arms around me, causing me to lose my balance. I fell backwards, taking her with me. She was now laying in my lap with her arms around my waist.

I chuckled quietly and asked "Are you still thirsty?"

She thought about it for a moment before nodding.

"All right. You have to let me go though."

She released her hold around my waist, and I helped her into a sitting position. "Can you stay here for a minute?" I asked.

She nodded again. "I promise. Scout's honor." She held up her hand as if she were giving a high five. "Wait a minute. It's supposed to be two fingers... I think." She put down her pinky and thumb. "Is that two fingers?" she mumbled to herself.

I smiled and headed back to the kitchen, shaking my head. I picked up the glass I filled up for her and brought it back to the living room, where Y/N was still playing with her fingers.

She looked up and gasped when she saw me. "You're back!" she squealed. "You were gone FOREVER. I was so bored."

"I was gone for three seconds, babe," I laughed.

"That's a looong time though."

I handed her the glass, and she downed the water in four gulps, spilling a little bit on her dress.

"Oh no," she wailed when she noticed it, tears welling up in her eyes. "I love this dress."

"It's only water," I soothed. "When it dries, it'll be fine."

"Oh, okay." She immediately brightened.

"Now, why don't we get you a shower, and then we can go to bed?" She did need a shower. She smelled like alcohol and sweat, and her makeup was smudged all over her face.

"Can we cuddle when we go to bed?" she asked.

"Of course," I said, getting to my feet.

"Yay!" she cheered.

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