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"Come on, Daddy," our four-year-old son, Isaac, whined, pulling on Shawn's arm. "Mommy said we could decorate the tree today."

Shawn glanced over at me. "She did, didn't she?"

Isaac nodded. "She did! Now come on. I wanna put up my special ornament."

His "special ornament" was a music framed picture of him at his very first concert (Shawn's of course) from about a year ago. I had taken the picture and you could see Shawn on stage over Isaac's shoulder, smiling for the camera.

"All right, All right," Shawn said with a smile, getting up off the couch. "Do you wanna go with me to get the decorations?"

Isaac nodded eagerly.

"Well, come on," Shawn ruffled Isaac's hair and they headed to the basement.

I sat on the couch wrapped in a blanket, drinking hot cocoa while I waited for them.

A few minutes later, they emerged. Shawn was carrying a large tote that said "X-MAS" in big letters. Isaac followed him, carrying a strand of lights that dragged up the stairs behind him.

"Okay," Shawn said, putting the box down. "I need the lights you have, Isaac."

Isaac handed them to him, and he quickly started spiraling them around the tree. He finished in about 5 minutes, and then he took the lid off the tote, where dozens of ornaments laid, wrapped in newspaper.

"Do you wanna hang the first one?" Shawn asked Isaac.

His eyes lit up, he nodded vigorously. He picked up one of the ornaments and unwrapped it, which just so happened to be his "special ornament." He squealed in excitement, and Shawn picked him up and helped him hang it near the top of the tree where everyone could see it. Isaac looked like he was concentrating really hard, and Shawn smiled at him. I grabbed my phone and quickly took a picture of the moment before untangling myself from my blanket and getting up to help them.

We had the entire tree other than the star finished in about an hour.

"I wanna put the star on," Isaac yelled.

"All right," Shawn said, getting it out of the box and handing it to him.

He picked Isaac up and held him over his head so that he could place the star on top. Isaac clapped when he was finished.

I knelt down to plug in the tree and turn off the lights switch, letting the glow of the tree fill the room.

"It's so pretty," Isaac said, awestruck.

"It sure is," Shawn responded, placing his free arm over my shoulders and pulling me against his side. He kissed the top of Isaac's head and then my forehead.

Oh, this is bad. I'm sorry. I need to get back to writing. I'm so out of practice. This sucked a lot more than I expected. But I wanted to make something like this, where you have a kid, because today, I had Joey come over for an early Christmas thing because he'll be out of town with his family on actual Christmas.
Anyway, I have a 3 year old brother, named Avery, and Joey got him a toy tractor because Avery is obsessed with tractors. He was so happy. He asked me what Joey's name was, so I told him, and he ran over and hugged Joey and yelled "Thank you, Joey," in his 3 year old language.
The huge smile on both of their faces was the best thing I've ever seen. And I've never wanted wanted to have a child with someone as much as I did right then. I've had a vivid image of our nonexistent, future baby ever since, and I'm not ok. Jesus, I'm only 15. I can't be having baby fever. I seriously don't need a kid yet😥
December 22, 2017

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