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Your POV

After a few hours of flying, we landed in Hawaii. My first impression of the place was that it was warm. I didn't really get to see a whole lot because we were in an airport. As we walked through the airport, there were surprisingly no fans anywhere, jumping out, asking for pictures. I did love the fans, but it was kind of nice to be ignored for once. Well, kind of ignored. One of the airport workers had taken it as his job to escort us to the car waiting to take us to the hotel. He endlessly chattered about Hawaii and its history and how much he thought we would enjoy it. I paid little attention to him. Instead, I laced my fingers through Shawn's and smiled up at him, thinking about everything that had happened in the past 24 hours, and what was to come in the next 24 hours.

We were ushered into a sleek black car that would take us to our hotel. I climbed into the dark, cool vehicle first with Shawn right behind me. I didn't speak to Shawn during the 5 minute drive to the hotel, but his hand rested on my thigh the entire time, and every once in a while, he would glance over at me and smile.

Once we got to the hotel, a worker came and took our bags to our room while Shawn made some final, last-minute arrangements at the front desk. Then we went up in the elevator to our room. My first impression of it was that it was big and beautiful. All the furniture was wooden, and there was a large 4-poster bed in the center of the room. There were glass doors with filmy white curtains that opened to a balcony that overlooked the ocean. It was amazing. In the bathroom, there was a huge bathtub ("A king sized tub, big enough to fit 10 plus me" High five if you get that reference🖐🏻)

As I wandered around the room, Shawn sat down on the bed. "So what do you want to do first?" he asked.

"Um... can we go down to the beach?" I asked, glancing at it through the opened balcony doors.

"Sure. I'll go get my bathing suit." He headed towards our suitcases, and I followed him. Once I had my bathing suit in my hand, I hesitated, wondering if I should go to the bathroom to change or not. I'd never changed in front of Shawn before, but we were married now, so was it acceptable to do that? Shawn helped me make my decision by turning his back to me, facing the door to change. I turned around to face the opposite direction, and I quickly got changed. I had picked out a basic teal bikini. I was able to fix the strings on my hips, but I couldn't quite get the ones behind my neck; I couldn't tie backwards.

"Hey, Shawn," I called, still holding onto the strings.

He was behind me in a few seconds. "Yes?" he asked.

"Could you tie this? I asked. "I can't get it."

"Of course." He took the strings from my hands, and I felt his fingers brush my bare back every once in a while as he tied it.

"There," he said after a few seconds, stepping back.

"Thanks." I turned around and kissed his cheek.


I went to the bathroom to grab a few towels, and Shawn grabbed our shoes and sunscreen. We slipped on the sandals and left. The beach wasn't that far, so we decided to walk. When we got there, I laid out one of the towels on the sand and put the other towels in a stack on top of it. I picked up the bottle of sunscreen and put it on my arms, face, and stomach. I couldn't reach my back that good though.

Shawn saw me struggling, and he said "If you put it on my back, I'll put it on yours."

"Deal," I agreed and I handed him the bottle. I laid down on my stomach on the towel, and Shawn kneeled next to me. He squeezed some of the lotion directly onto my back, and I flinched slightly from the cold.

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