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Your POV

"Thanks, (Y/N)" my boss said.

"Oh, its not a problem," I said cheerfully. Even though it would take probably about an extra hour and I just wanted to go home and see my boyfriend, Shawn. It was early December and my boss wanted me to take some blankets we'd collected out to the local nursing home.

I went outside, blankets in hand, and saw that it was starting to snow. I would really have to hurry. I didn't want to be out, driving in that. I quickly got into my car, turned on the heat, and the radio, and I began the 3 mile drive to the nursing home.

I decided to take a few back roads because it would be faster. Along the way, I was singing along to Ed Sheeran, when suddenly, a huge truck swerved into my lane. I automatically jerked the steering wheel, trying to get out of the way. The motion sent me off the road and down the hillside. I felt the car flip and begin rolling down the hill. I was terrified. I had no control of the car. I could only scream and wait until it stopped moving. A second later, my head bashed through the window next to me. I managed to stay conscious until the car stopped rolling. I reached up and touched my head, and my fingers came down covered in blood. That was too much for me. I blacked out.

Shawn's POV

I glanced at the clock for the hundredth time. It was hours past the time (Y/N) got back from work. I was debating on going to
(Y/N)'s work and looking for her, when my phone rang. I quickly grabbed it, hoping it was (Y/N.) It wasn't. It was her mom. I didn't think her mom had ever called my cell before. I answered it.

"Shawn?" I heard (Y/N)'s mom's voice ask.

"Yes?" I responded.

"Well... Right now we're at the hospital."

"Is (Y/N) there with you?"

"Um... Yes. But she's the reason we're here."

"Wait... what?"

"(Y/N) got into a car crash and she's in a coma right now. The doctors don't know how long it will last. She got hit in the head. Hard."

A coma? I felt numb as I said "All right. I'll be there in 5 minutes."

I hung up and I glanced over at the photo on the wall of (Y/N) and I on our 3 year anniversary. Her smile was beautiful. What if I never got to see that smile again? What if I never got to see those beautiful eyes again? What if I never got to feel her hug again? I pushed the thoughts from my mind. I couldn't be thinking like that. It wouldn't do any good.

I quickly jogged out to the car and sped to the hospital. When I got into the building, (Y/N)'s dad was waiting in the lobby. He didn't say anything. He just walked towards the hallway and I followed. We got in the elevator in silence. (Y/N) was on the third floor. We got up there and we went to one of the rooms. I held my breath as I entered, terrified of what I would see.

I saw (Y/N)'s body lying on the bed, with her mother in a chair beside her, holding one of her limp hands and crying. There were so many wires connected to (Y/N.) There was an IV in each arm, there was an oxygen tank, and there was a heart monitor, which showed her heart beating slowly, and there was a bandage wrapped around her head. I walked towards the bed and crouched down on the opposite side of her mother. I held her other limp hand and bowed my head, closing my eyes.

(Y/N)'s parents got up and her mom said "We'll leave you alone for a minute."

I nodded, grateful for the privacy. They left the room and I finally turned my head to actually look at (Y/N.) Her skin was ghostly pale and she was perfectly still. I carefully brushed a finger over her parted lips and I could feel air, confirming that she was still alive.

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