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Shawn's POV

There. Everything was set up. I had went to mine and (Y/N)'s spot on the cliff and laid out a blanket with bottles of wine and a basket that was filled with the same food we had eaten when I had asked her out, well, a replica of it. The original food was gone now. As I stepped back to look at my work, I got a flashback from when (Y/N) and I were 7 years old and we had found this place.

"Come on," I called back to my best friend, (Y/N). "I can see light up ahead."
(Y/N) jogged to catch up with me and then the trees ended and there was a small clearing that also happened to be the top of a cliff. You could see the entire city from up here.

" Woah," (Y/N) said, coming up next to me.

"This is so cool," I said, walking towards the edge.

"Be careful, Shawn. Don't fall," (Y/N) stressed from behind me.

"I won't fall," I promised her.

She came up next to me and as we stood there and looked out at the city, she held my hand. After a moment, I turned to her and said "I love you, (Y/N)."

"I love you too, Shawn."

"I'm gonna marry you one day," I declared.

"Yeah, right," (Y/N) scoffed.

"You just wait," I told her.

We stayed there for a few hours, until the sun started to set and then we had to rush back home to our mothers.

I smiled at the memory. From that day on, we came to this spot every Saturday and just forgot everything, but each other. This was the place that I asked her out when we were 16, and now, 6 years later, I would be asking her to marry me. As far as (Y/N) knew, this was just a regular day at our spot. She had no idea of what I was planning.

I headed back into the woods, towards my car and I drove back to the house to get (Y/N.)

Your POV

It had been about an hour since Shawn had left. He told me he was going to the store to pick up a few things before our date on the cliff. I decided not to dress up that much because we were just going out to the cliff, but I still made myself look good. I wore a white tank top with a black an red checkered flannel over it, ripped skinny jeans, and boots and I left my hair down. I decided that makeup wasn't necessary, but I did wear chapstick to prepare for the kisses that I knew were coming. As I finished getting ready, Shawn's jeep pulled into the driveway. I went out to meet him and I climbed up into the passenger seat.

"Hey," Shawn said with a smile as I fastened my seat belt.

"Hey," I smiled back and leaned in for a kiss. Shawn pecked my lips and then he pulled back and began the familiar drive to the cliff. As we drove, I propped my feet up on the dash and opened the window, letting the cool September breeze blow through my hair. I looked over at Shawn, who looked gorgeous as always, but he looked almost worried. But then a small smile broke over his face, and I decided I must be imagining things. Soon, we reached the edge of the woods and I knew we'd be on foot from here. Shawn got out and came around to help me out of the car.

"Thank you," I said as I hopped down, kissing his cheek as a form of payment.

I held on to Shawn's hand as we walked up the familiar path through the woods. I thought of the first time we walked this path. It was the day when Shawn first said he loved me. Little did our 7 year old selves know that there would be many, many more "I love you's" in the future. I glanced at Shawn and he was staring straight ahead. He appeared to be lost in thought, and I wondered if his mind was in the same place as mine.

The walk was fairly short and we reached the clearing in less than 5 minutes. When we got there, I saw that Shawn had set up a blanket and a picnic basket with some wine off to the side.

I turned to Shawn. "So this is what you were doing today. You didn't actually go to the store, did you?" I asked, with a laugh.

"You caught me," Shawn smiled, putting his hands up.

I laughed again and walked over to the blanket and sat down. Shawn sat down across from me and he picked of the bottle of wine and two wineglasses. He poured the wine and handed one glass to me.

Shawn made a toast. He said "To being 7 years old, to random cliffs, to an amazing night, and a beautiful woman."

"And to a perfect guy and the best relationship," I added. I bumped my glass against Shawn's and we both took a sip. When I put the glass down, I opened the picnic basket. My gaze softened when I saw what was inside. It was the same meal he had packed when he asked me out, in this same spot, 6 years ago. There were muffins, of course. There were apples, poptarts, and cookies. I smiled at what our idea of a meal was when we were 16.

"Shawn, this is amazing," I said, smiling at him.

"You like it?"

"I love it."

I pulled out two muffins and handed one to Shawn. I bit into it and I realized it was a chocolate chip muffin. My first kiss with Shawn had tasted like chocolate chip muffins. When Shawn asked me out, he kissed me, which was after we ate the muffins.
I glanced at Shawn and I knew he was thinking the same thing. I leaned towards him and he closed the distance, pressing his lips against mine. His lips tasted exactly the same as they had that first time and I felt Shawn smile into the kiss. After a few moments, we pulled apart and finished our muffins and we picked up the wine glasses again. I noticed Shawn fidgeting slightly and I saw flashes of nervousness on his face. This time, I was sure I hadn't imagined it.

I reached over and touched his hand and asked "Hey, what's wrong?"

He looked a bit startled and he didn't look me in the eyes. "Everything's fine, but I do want to talk to you."

"All right. Then talk. I'm listening."

Shawn stood up and took my hand, pulling me up to stand beside him. He turned to look me in the eyes and he took my hands. He slowly began to speak "Do you remember when you told me that love has the power to change anyone?"

I nodded. We were 14 years old and we had just finished watching Romeo and Juliet for a school project. Shawn couldn't understand why they had decided to kill themselves and I tried to explain.

"I didn't understand what you meant back then," Shawn continued. "But now it all makes sense. You've taught me a lot these past six years and I want to keep learning. I want to stay by your side for the rest of forever. I love you so, so, so much. There are so many sappy, cheesy things I could say to you right now, but none of them can possibly describe how much I love you. I want it to be you, (Y/N.) Only you. I need you in my life." He paused and took a breath. By now, tears were streaming down my face. Shawn dropped to one knee and pulled out a ring box. "What I'm trying to say is, (Your full name) will you do me the extraordinary honor of marrying me?"

I could only nod and whisper "Yes." A brilliant smile broke out over Shawn's face. He took my hand and slid the beautiful ring onto my third finger. Then he stood up, and crushed me to his chest, and kissed me passionately.

I couldn't be happier. I was engaged to the man I loved. I was looking forward to every day of forever
I thought this was cute♥ And there will probably be a part two.

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