New Years

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Your POV

I watched as Shawn downed another shot, shaking his head from the bitter aftertaste. We were at a bar that Cameron had rented out for a New Years Eve party. I had taken two shots and was about a fourth of the way through a bottle of beer and I was beginning to feel a small buzz. Shawn, however, had drank one whole beer and had just taken his fourth shot.

"You're really gonna regret that tomorrow morning," I told him.

"Probably," he admitted. "But I'm having fun right now."

I rolled my eyes and watched as he ordered another shot. When he finished that, I decided it was time to pull him away from the alcohol. "Come on," I shouted over the loud music. "I want to go dance."

I pulled Shawn off the bar stool and tugged him to the dance floor, where many other people were already dancing to some trap rap song. Colorful strobe lights flashed and the bass was really heavy and loud. I turned my back to Shawn and his hands gripped my waist. I reached back to wrap an arm around Shawn's neck and I grinded on him to the beat of the music. Shawn slanted his head down to press his lips to the side of my neck and I tilted my head a bit to give him better access.

When the song was over, the DJ announced "It's 11:30, everyone. Only half an hour until 2017!"

Most of the crowd cheered even though they were probably too drunk to process what half an hour meant. When another song started, I continued to dance with Shawn. I glanced around at all the people dancing with their partners or the girls who were dancing in little groups, gripping their beer bottles. Even though I wasn't a huge fan of bars, I had to admit I actually was having a lot of fun. I pulled away from Shawn and turned around to face him. As a result of the already warm room and so many bodies pressed together in a small space, Shawn's tight black shirt was clinging to his sweat drenched torso and his hair was damp. There was a huge smile on his face though. He looked so adorably sexy and I couldn't resist leaning forward and pecking his alcohol flavored lips.

"Mmm. Was that tequila?" I asked when I pulled back.

"Yep," Shawn said, chuckling.

That song about tequila making clothes fall off popped into my head and I laughed out loud. "What's so funny?" Shawn asked.

"Nothing," I responded shaking my head. "Why don't we go back to the bar for a little while? I kind of want a shot of tequila now."

Shawn grinned and grabbed my hand, pulling me back to the bar stools. I took one shot, not wanting to get too drunk. But apparently Shawn didn't care about that because he took three shots. I knew how he liked the buzz, but I also knew how much he hated hangovers, so at that point, I decided to go dance again.

"Come on, Shawn," I ordered. He slid off the stool and stumbled a bit. When he regained his balance, I held his hand and guided him back to the hot dance floor. I pressed my back against Shawn's chest again and his arms wrapped around my waist. The song was a little bit slower so we just kind of swayed back and forth.

Shawn's chin rested on my shoulder and I heard him slur "You look so hot tonight, babe. Do you think maybe we could have sex later?"

I laughed at his bluntness and shook my head. "Not tonight Shawn. Not while you're drunk. But maybe tomorrow night, if you're still up for it."

He pauses and thinks about it before happily saying "OK."

We continue to dance until the DJ stopped the music and announced that it was almost 12. He began to count down from 10 and all the people who were sober enough to count backwards counted with him.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Happy New Year!"

The entire bar erupted in cheers and many people turned to kiss someone. Shawn spun me around and kissed me full on the mouth. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back with an equal amount of force. When I pulled back, Shawn's eyes were bright and he was smiling.

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