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A/N: you're not actually a full time stripper, it's just for this one day
And I know it's not Shawn's 19th birthday, but oh well
Your POV

It was finally Shawn's 19th birthday. I had been planning a surprise for him for a few months now. The first step had been to find one of my high school friends who was a stripper for a living. Then I had to find Brian and Ian and fill them in. Everything was planned out. When Shawn got home, Ian and Brian would come and get him to take him to a strip club in town, where I would be his personal stripper (A/N: is that even a thing? Lol)
I had been taking "lessons" from my stripper friend. They weren't official lessons though, more like tips. She got a huge teddy bear and showed me exactly how to grind and where to kiss him. She also showed me how to walk up to him, how to move my hips, and flip my hair, and what facial expressions I should have - ok, maybe they were kind of lessons.

Anyways, it was finally the day and I was getting dressed for the night. I had gone out and bought some of the skimpiest legal lingerie I could find. It was a lacy black thong with a matching bra, fishnet tights that went to the middle of my thigh, and 4 inch heels. I looked at myself in the mirror one last time, making sure I looked perfect, before putting a long coat on for the car ride there. My stripper friend came and picked me up and took me to the town strip club.

We got to the front door and showed the guy our IDs and then we were in. There were a few strippers that were currently performing and I had to admit, they were pretty good.

My friend took me backstage and gave me a few more reminders. "Remember, you're in control. He might be the dominant one at home, but this time, you're in charge. And make sure you don't overdo the teasing because then he'll feel like he doesn't have a chance and it'll make him feel weak, which is not a turn on for guys."

I nodded "Okay, I think I got it."

"It's also better since you two are actually together. You have more of an idea of what he likes. Use that to your advantage."

I nodded again as my phone dinged. Ian texted me, telling me that him, Brian, and Shawn were here. I texted him "Okay, make sure you sit near the front." He just simply texted "ok."

I took off my coat and put it on a chair. Then I went to a mirror and made sure my outfit was still as revealing as possible and that my hair and makeup looked okay. I looked pretty good. If I was a lesbian, I'd be all over this look and I had a feeling Shawn would be too. My friend came up and told me that it was time to go out to the stage. I followed my friend and a group of about 3 other girls I didn't know out into the open. The girls went up to the poles that were set up and I just followed, even though I didn't know how to pole dance. I would just try to make it sexy.

As I danced, I searched for Shawn. I found him at once and his eyes were already locked on me. He mouthed my name and I smiled at him. The other girls stopped dancing and we went out into the crowd to pick some lucky guys to give a personal show to. My friend went to Brian, one of the other girls went to Ian, I, of course went to Shawn, and the other girls went to random strangers.

I slowly walked up to Shawn, swinging my hips, just like my friend taught me. Shawn watched my every movement, biting his lip. I pulled his chair out slightly and sat down, straddling his lap. I slowly began to grind my body onto the prominent bulge in his lap. He groaned, tilting his head back and I leaned in to kiss his throat. My lips explored his throat and jaw, gently sucking and biting in a few places while still grinding. Shawn leaned forward again and began fidgeting slightly. I figured that his massive boner was getting uncomfortable. I smiled and slid off of him pulling him to his feet. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands slid to my waist. I pressed my body tightly against his and began grinding on him. I took a step back and slid my hands beneath his shirt and traced his abs. Shawn shuddered and pulled me against him again. I turned around and he began to grind his hips against my back side. His lips traced a line down the side of my throat and his hands roamed my bare skin. I let him have his fun for a few moments before I gently pulled away and walked away, swinging my hips. I glanced back at Shawn's stunned face and I teasingly blew him a kiss before walking backstage, disappearing from Shawn's sight.

Shawn's POV
I stood, watching (Y/N) leave in a stunned silence. I was just beginning to register what had happened. It seemed so surreal. If it wasn't for the massive rock in between my legs, I wouldn't even be sure that it had happened. I slowly wandered back to Ian and Brian. They were beaming and their own boners were fully visible.

"So how was it, man?" Ian asked.

"Surreal," I responded with a chuckle. I still couldn't believe that (Y/N) had given me a lap dance in a strip club.

"Please tell me you're gonna hit it when you get home," Brian says.

"Of course," I laugh. "I couldn't pass up a chance like this."

"Good. The Shawn I know doesn't let his girl get away with that kind of teasing."

"Believe me, she's not getting away with it." I lost myself in the thought of what was going to happen when I got home. Just thinking about it made my dick throb. I desperately needed (Y/N) now so we left the club and when I got home, I definitely hit it. It was one of my all time favorite birthdays. It was amazing.

I wasn't sure how to end that. And if that's not how it happens at a strip club, I'm sorry. I've never been to a strip club lol. But it did turn out better than I expected

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