Valentine's Day

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I'm sure you guys would have rather had an imagine, but I just wanted to talk about this, and I haven't put out my rant/thoughts/random stories book yet (that is coming though)

Before I say all this though, I want to make it clear that I am not hating on you if you celebrate Valentine's Day. If you see it differently than I do, great! You do you. This is just my opinion on the holiday.

So in my opinion, Valentine's Day is really, really stupid.

If you're single, I just want to say that you do not need a significant other to feel good about yourself. So many people have been talking about how lonely they are today, and how they wish they need a boy/girlfriend, but they don't.
You're a strong independent (wo)man who don't need no (wo)man. A day can't tell you any different.
Besides, I think Valentine's Day was meant to be for everyone you love, not just romantic love. As you're scrolling through Instagram or whatever, looking at all the gifts people got from their someone, look at pictures of people you love/people who love you, and think about how they make you feel.

I don't think it's all that great for people in relationships either. Because you feel pressure to be extra cute and romantic when you don't have to be. You should love your significant other every single day, not just on February 14th. And if you or your partner gets really excited on Valentine's Day, maybe you should think about what you're doing on the rest of the days.
And I'm not saying don't appreciate them - the opposite really. But I don't think you should have to get candy and flowers and teddy bears to show someone you love them. Just do little things every day. Hug them, ask them how their day was, spend time with them. Or simply say "I love you." The amount of couples that have been torn apart over Valentines Day gifts is ridiculous. Again, I'm not saying don't appreciate them with gifts. Just that you shouldn't have to feel obligated to.

That just really sounded like something a bitter, single person would say, but I actually didn't realize how much I hated Valentine's Day until this one, and it's my first one not being single😂
Maybe that's why I developed my opinion. Joey and I didn't do anything for Valentine's Day other than the usual, everyday stuff, and I think we're both happier that way.

Ok. I don't know if that made sense, but Rant over. I just felt like sharing.
So moral of the story: If you love someone (romantically or not) show them that every day.

February 14, 2018

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