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"That was so corny," I said, laughing at a joke Shawn had cracked. Then I felt a trickle of liquid. I immediately froze. I hadn't peed my pants, and I was nine months into a pregnancy, so that meant...

"Shawn, I think the baby is coming," I said slowly, trying not to scare him. It didn't really work.

He was on his feet in an instant. "What? Are you sure?" he panicked.

"Well, my water just broke..." I was cut off by a wave of slight pain rippling through my stomach, making me gasp. "And there was just a contraction. I'm pretty sure it's happening."

"Oh my God, Y/N. We need to go." He grabbed the bag that we had packed for the hospital and came back to pick me up bridal style.

"I can walk on my own, you know," I said as he rushed out the door.

"Not fast enough. What if you just have the baby in the car?" he set me down by the passenger side door and opened it for me.

"That's very unlikely," I said as I got into the seat, and he rushed around to get in on his side.

"You never know," he replied. He quickly got his seatbelt on and pulled out of the driveway.

He went slightly over the speed limit the entire way there. The contractions were few and far between, but they were slowly getting stronger. When we got to the hospital, I was immediately rushed to a room, where I had to change my clothes, speak to a few nurses, and have a few examinations run to see how long until the baby should be here. The whole time I was being tested, Shawn nervously paced back and forth across the room. (I'm actually not completely sure how all this works, but I'll write it as best as I can)

"Babe, it's okay. I'm fine," I promised when the nurse left. "You can sit down. The nurse said it'll be a few hours before anything is going to happen."

"I know, but in a few hours, I'll officially be a father. I'm excited, but it's a little nerve wracking. I can't sit still."

I kind of felt the same way, but I felt more ready to be a mother than I had an hour ago. "Why don't you call our parents and let them know?" I suggested. "They probably won't be able to see us until tomorrow, but they still need to know."

"Okay. Yeah. That's a good idea." Shawn pulled out his phone and sat in a nearby chair, but his leg still jiggled with impatience as he talked to our families.

I couldn't really hear anything from the other end of the line except Aaliyah's excited screaming for a moment, but Shawn smiled and said "yeah" a lot.

We had decided to not reveal the gender until the baby was born, so we decided on names for both genders. (It's up to you to pick what names you want.)

As the hours passed, my contractions became more frequent and painful. Shawn sat in a nearby chair, reaching for my hand when I winced in pain.

After another test, the nurse declared I was ready to have the baby. Apparently my cervix was dilated enough, and I felt ready to have it. The contractions were strong, and I felt the strong urge to push. And I was ready to get this baby out and finally get to see it after nine months.

The actual birth didn't take long at all. There were no complications, but it was incredibly painful, even with an epidural. Shawn held my hand the entire time, murmuring words of encouragement, and the doctor was giving me orders. He mainly just said "Push."

"All right. I think this is the last time, Mrs. Mendes. Just give me one more hard push, and you'll be done," the doctor said.

There was one more contraction, which was by far the most painful. I grit my teeth to hold in a scream, and I squeezed Shawn's hand so hard that I worried I might have broken it. He seemed unfazed though. He was focusing on the doctor. Well, not the doctor - the baby in the doctors hands.

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