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Another Author's Note. I know, I'm sorry. But I'm eventually going to post this on all my social media's because I think everyone can benefit from it somehow.

‪I came into this year being 14 years old and I'm leaving as a 25 year old. I've grown so much. Here are some simple, but important, things I've learned this year.‬

Look at the big picture. There's a lot more going on than you think

Appreciate the small things. Every single little smile is worth so much

Do what makes YOU happy. Don't bend to other people's wishes

It doesn't matter what other people think. It's ok to make a fool of yourself with friends. My example is The Bohemian Rhapsody. My entire band was screaming it and dancing, and I was scared to, but I should have done it. They were having fun, and I really wish I had been, too

Always give your personal best. If that only means 50% on some days, that's ok. Sometimes it's ok to stay in your pajamas all day and just watch Netflix.

Take more pictures. You're going to want them someday, no matter how "unphotogenic" you think you are. (This one is a huge regret for me. I wish I took more pictures)

Spend time with people who want to bring you up and see you succeed

And cut all the negative people from your life. You don't need them. In fact, they hurt you. They're like fleas. Get rid of them. If they're bringing you down, don't sugarcoat it. Just say what you mean and drop them

Listen to people's advice who genuinely want to help you when you're struggling. It's different if they're bossing you around, but if they've been doing the activity longer, and they say "I think this might help you" You should probably listen.

Hug your loved ones a little tighter and a little longer, and overuse "I love you." It's worth it.

Take risks, test yourself. It could be the best thing you've ever done.

When making decisions, think to yourself "What do I have to lose?"

Sleep. Trust me, you need it.

Just do that stupid reading assignment. It's not that bad.

Don't stress over the little things. One day, they won't matter.

The moment you feel like giving up is the moment you need to push the most. You didn't come all this way to give up

Be open-minded. Change.‪ ‬Is.‪ ‬Not.‪ ‬A.‪ ‬Bad.‪ ‬Thing.‪ ‬

‪When you get knocked down (literally by a flag pole, in my case) you get back up and keep going‬

‪It really is just a bad day, not a bad life, I promise‬

‪Trust yourself. You're a lot more capable than you think‬

‪It truly isn't that deep. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. Unless you're in AP Lit because then you have to over analyze everything you read. But if they say they love you, they love you. Especially men. Most times they say exactly what they think. ‬

‪If they make you laugh, make you feel special, and share their food or buy you food, you gotta keep them‬

‪This one's not really a lesson, just a cool suggestion. Write your future self a letter about whatever is going on in your life, then open it at least a year later, and see how much has changed. Or make a journal with interesting things that happen to you on a daily basis. It'll be fun to go back and look at it one day. ‬

‪And most importantly, love yourself. No, you don't look fat in that. You look like a fucking queen. And I will personally fight anyone who says otherwise. ‬

‪I've had so many people tell me all these things before, but it took firsthand experiences for it all to actually sink in. All those people who tell you these things are 100% right. Listen to them. ‬

Hopefully you took something from all this. I know I have all throughout the year. And I've honestly learned 98% of this from putting my phone down. So that's another lesson, I guess. Ed Sheeran was right to do it.


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