Chapter 34

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Noah's POV
I went to a party last night and I met the most amazing girl. I was taking her out on a date today.

I arrived at her house and it looked really familiar but I couldn't remember why. I just shook off that thought and went to her door.

"Dang you look gorgeous!" I said once she opened the door.

"Thanks! You look pretty hot yourself." She blushed.

I ushered her to my truck and took her out for lunch.

In the middle of lunch we started talking about where we wanted this relationship to go. We both really liked each other but she said, "Noah, I just found out last night that my family is moving. I don't think a long distance relationship would work."

I was kind of crushed because I thought I finally found a great girl, but I also don't want a long distance relationship. I happy she told me she's moving now and not later once I start liking her even more.

"I totally understand. I don't want a long distance relationship either. But we can still be friends." I said

"Absolutely!" She smiled.

We finished lunch and we decided to hang out at her house for a while.

We walked inside and she was showing me around and this picture on the wall caught my eye. It was Mackenzie! I now know why the house looked so familiar. I've dropped Landon off here before.

"Wait... you're related to Mackenzie?" I asked shocked.

"Yeah she's my little sister. Why?" She wondered.

"Landon is my little brother." I told her and her eyes went wide.

"Oh no!" She said and Kenzi walked right into the living room spotting me.

"Oh hey Noah! Is Landon here?" She asked confused to why I'm in her house.

"Um no... I was just hanging out with your sister." I said awkwardly. How could this possibly happen. Out of everyone it had to be Kenzi's sister. Landon would be mad if he found out and not to mention they're moving. Landon is gonna be a wreck. "Have you told Landon you're moving yet?"

"How did you know?" She asked wide eyed.

"Your sister told me." I answered.

"No I haven't, and please don't tell him! I will get to it but I don't want to hurt him." She said teary eyed.

I sighed. Should I really keep this from Landon?

"Fine, but you have to tell him soon." I say. I don't want to have to keep this a secret from Landon.

"I will! I was planning on telling him tonight." She told me.

"Ok good! Well I have to head home." I tell them heading to my truck. This has been a crazy day and it's not even close to being over.

I drove home thinking about how I was gonna hid this from Landon. It should be easy but he's gonna be heart broken once Kenzi tells him.

I walked inside and saw Landon sitting on the kitchen counter eating Doritos.

"Hey bubba!" He said cheery.

"Hey." I said sitting on the counter opposite of him. "Are you doing anything tonight?"

"I'm going out with Kenzi." He told me.

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