Chapter 61

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Mark's POV
Since I was home for a couple of days I wanted to take my sons out and have some fun. There is this amusement park that has mini golf, laser tag, go karts, and tons of other stuff. It was pretty close to our house, but I was gonna make it a day trip.

They were all sleeping. It was only 7am. I was doing a few business calls now because later is all about my sons. After the business was all sorted out it was 8 and still no one was up.

I was walking to my room to get something when Landon walked down the steps. I was very surprised to see him. Even though he isn't a teenager yet, he sleeps the most out of my kids.

"Dad I'm tired," He whined, coming over to me.

"Why didn't you sleep more then?" I asked him.

"Cause I wanted to spend time with you," He mumbled tiredly.

"Well I have a very fun day planned for all of us," I told him, taking a seat in the lazy boy chair.

"Do Brody and Noah really have to come?" He asked. I kind of knew how he felt. I grew up with brothers and I was the youngest too. I had a sister, but she still wasn't very nice to me. I got picked on everyday. I know they pick on Landon, but they are also really good to him.

"Yes," I told him. He came over to me and sat on my lap.

"I would prefer if they didn't," He said, laying his head on my shoulder.

"Sorry, but I need to spend time with them too," I told him and he groaned.

"Want to watch tv while your brothers wake up?" I asked him.

"Sure," I turned the channel to a show he liked. He laid back on me and rested his head on my chest. I was rocking the chair a little bit and a couple minutes later he was out.

I liked that he still wasn't too old to fall asleep on my lap. He's still my little boy and I wish he would stay that way.

"Hey dad," Noah came down the stairs.

"Hey," I said quietly, so I wouldn't wake Landon.

Noah sat down on the couch and changed the channel. I'm glad Landon was asleep because the show Noah picked is very inappropriate.

"We're going to have a family day today," I told Noah.

"When?" He asked.

"As soon as your brothers wake up," I answered.

He went to the kitchen and came back a minute later with a cup of water.

"I'll wake them up," Noah smirked, walking over to Landon and I, about ready to pour water on him.

"You're not pouring water on him," I took the cup from him.

"Ah c'mon! It would've been funny!" He complained.

"I don't need him grumpy all day," I told him.

"Well we need to hurry your family day up because I have plans tonight," Noah told me.

"You're gonna have to cancel them," I told him. I really wanted us to be together all day. I'm pretty sure he can cancel his plans this once.

"Dad! I can't!" He shouted, causing Landon to stir.

"What are you fighting about?" Brody asked, walking down the stairs tiredly.

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