The Hard Truth

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Annabeth's pov

I waited for what seemed like hours for Percy to come back down. I tried to convince the guard to let me up but he wouldn't budge.

"Gods where is piper when I need her." I mumbled. Suddenly Hermes came into the lobby. He didn't seem to notice me. He went to the elevator, pressed the up button, and waited for the elevator. The guard paid no attention to me. I slipped on my invisibility cap and snuck into the elevator with Hermes.

Once we got to Olympus Hermes ran for the palace. I followed him. As soon as we got there I noticed a dark hole in the floor close up and nine figures to Zeus's left disappear, probably the nine muses.

"They're back!" Hermes exclaimed.

"Who's back!?" Athena asked.

"Kronos, Gaea, the giants.... Everyone!" Hermes said. Everyone was silent.
Suddenly Ares started laughing.

"Why are you laughing!?" Zeus demanded.

"Because you just exiled the only person who could help us." Ares said. "And even if he did come back he wouldn't help."

I had no idea what they were talking about. Exiled? Who did they exile? Then I did a quick scan of the room. I didn't see Percy anywhere. Wait...Did that mean they...

"I am not the one who suggested getting rid of him." Zeus said glaring at my mother.

"Then why didn't you vote against it." Athena said.

"Oh boy. I can't wait to see this war." Ares said.

"We need to get him back." Posiden said.

"Like he'd help us. You heard him...He sounded like a mad man." Hera said.

"Well we can't just sit back and let this happen." Athena said.

"We could just use the other six." Hermes suggested. Other six?

"That's all we can do. At least we have time, they won't attack for awhile. Probably wait until the seven are dead." Zeus said.

I had enough of this cryptic stuff I needed answers. I took off my Yankees cap.

"What's going on, where's Percy!?" I demanded. The Olympians jumped. Ares started laughing again.

"Listen kid. Your boyfriend is in hell." Ares said.

"What?" I said. What did he mean in hell?

"He was banished." Ares said. "To Tartarus." I froze. I couldn't process what he said. Tartarus?

"No." I said faintly, as I sunk to my knees. We barely survived the last time we were there, we had bob, and Damesen. They're gone now. Percy was all alone. In Tartarus. And with no doors of death, he couldn't get back. 

Before you delete this book thinking it's like every other chaos army book where Kronos and Gaea come back I swear on the Styx this one is different. Read up until chapter eight and you'll understand. Thanks for reading. Love you all :)

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