Power Switch

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"What!?" I said extremely stunned.

Scarlett and Reyna?

Scarlett and Reyna!?

"I was supposed to get my shadow power back as soon as we got back to planet chaos." I said.

"Well, you realize that if we gave you the shadow power, you would have to start your training all over again. It just makes more sense for you to keep Order's power. Annabeth has progressed a lot faster than anyone else has with that power. It would be foolish to take it away now." Spencer said.

"Then why are you changing Scarlett's Power? It will just restart her training. She will be as weak as Annabeth was." I complained. Scarlett looked at the ground.

"Because it isn't a choice for me." She said. I looked at her.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Its...a long story. Basically I can't continue to use the throne of brutality because it's been harming me more than helping me. It limits my powers. Originally chaos put me in it to control my powers. But now that I'm older he sees that I don't need to control it with the brutality throne. As for restarting my training, well I never actually used the throne's power. I just took the throne to control my own. In theory I would be stronger without it." She explained.

"I...I don't really know how to process that." I mumbled.

"It doesn't matter. Chaos saved me another power and is giving mine to Reyna. Since she is a daughter of a war goddess it should suit her nicely." Scarlett said.

Scarlett turned to Reyna and placed her hand on Reyna's forehead.

"I, Scarlett Tate, holder of Chaos's throne of brutality transfer my power to you, Reyna Ramirez Arellano. May it serve you well." Scarlett said. Her hand glew for a moment before fading.

"Wait, did you even ask her if she accepted the power?" Leo asked.

"Of course. We talked about it last night. I knew this would happen so I made sure that she was the right person for it." Scarlett said.

Spencer cleared his throat.

"Now. For the power Chaos left to you. He wanted to give you the power of fire since you...sort of have some fire power but he didn't want to take it from Sapphire since she is really advanced in her training." Spencer said. He grabbed the last power.

"Scarlett Tate, Chaos offers you the power over the skies, wind, and air. Do you accept?" He asked. She took the box.

"I accept." She said. The box emanated a bright yellow light before Scarlett absorbed it.

"It may take the four of you awhile to get used to your powers. We're going to stay in the castle one night and Arianna, Alexander, and I will train you. But for now you need to rest and eat. Perceus and I will show you to a place where you can stay." Spencer said, "Boys with me, Girls with Percues."

I sighed. Of course he gave me the girls.

"Ok, if your already in chaos army you know where to sleep, the rest of you with me." I announced to the girls. Dawn, Marina, Sapphire, Ivy, and Jasmine all went to their rooms. Scarlett stopped when she was next to me.

"Hey....um...listen, I wanted to tell you about-" I cut her off.

"Meet me in our spot in fifteen minutes." I said. She smiled and nodded before walking with the other chaos girls.

I turned and saw the rest of the girls. Piper, Hazel, Calypso, Reyna, and Annabeth.

"Since we don't really have extra rooms you guys will have to stay in the female intiate dormitory with some of the intiates. Don't worry for the most part they are friendly." I said. I led them down a spiral staircase to the female dormitory.

Once I opened the door I hear a million girls squealing.

Several girls said. My ears were probably bleeding.

They all crowded around me and started fangirling.

"Hi girls." I said. They all squealed. Or whatever was the equivalent in their race.

"Hiiii Kiriii!" They called.

Did I mention I was extremely popular among the intiates...especially the girls. They really really liked me. It was hard to get away from them. I feel like Spencer did this to me on purpose.

"Girls, listen. This is Hazel, Annabeth, Piper, Reyna, and Calypso. They are going to be staying with you tonight. So please give them respect and...yeah. Have fun." I said. I turned to leave but two of the girls grabbed my arm.

"You're leaving?" One said.

"But you just got here." The other said.

"I have to...talk to Spencer." I said.

There were several disappointed 'Awwwws'.

"Are you sure you can't stay?" One asked. Whatever planet she was from her species had a...well the easiest way to explain this is that they were extremely cute. Unrealistically cute. Almost like something from anime or a video game or something. It was so hard to say no to her because she had those baby doll eyes.

"I...um...I guess I can stay for five more minutes." I said. The girls squealed again, making me cover my ears.


As I made my way out of the girls dormitory I wiped off of the many many kiss marks off my cheek. They insisted on a kiss on the cheek for good luck. And the fact that their were nearly 200 of them it may have taken nearly 10 minutes.

I eventually made my way to the entrance to the secret back balcony that was only accessible via flying. The balcony was Scarlett and I's secret spot.

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