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Apokíryxe's pov

As soon as I teleported back to the cabin Scarlett cornered me.

"Where did you go? One second were talking about Ivy's drug addiction, the suddenly poof! Your gone." Scarlett said.

"I do not have a drug addiction!" Ivy said.

"Oh please Ivy, I found the cat nip." Scarlett said.

"That's not drugs." Ivy said, "And you planted that nip in my room so you could catch me with it."

"Whatever." Scarlett said. She turned her attention back to me.

"I overheard something some of the campers were saying." I said.

"And..." Scarlett said trying to get more out of me.

"And I went to investigate." I said.

"And you stole sparky." Marina said annoyed. Marina was like a sister to me. She even looked like me, the only difference was our hair. Hers was a chocolate brown, unlike my ebony black. She had a lot of the same powers as I had as a son of Posiden. She, however, wasn't​ even related to Greek gods. She, like everyone on our team was from a different Galaxy. Her planet was frozen over and the inhabitants had to live under water. She grew up able to do anything a child of Posiden could do, infact she could do even more. She offered to train me over the years but I refused. I didn't want anything to remind me of my old life.

"Sorry, I needed someone with me sis." I said.

"That's fine, brother, just warn me next time. I was in the middle of sword practice with him. I nearly fell of the cliff when I didn't hit him. I would have been flattened." Marina said. And no, you didn't hear that wrong. Marina said cliff. What can I say? Marina likes to live life on the edge. Literally.

"Aw, thats a shame. Marina flavored pancakes would have been good." Scarlett said. Marina glared at her and laughed.

"Eh, too salty." Sparky said.

"What's with the sudden cannibalism Scar?" I asked.

"What? I'm a half dragon. My dad would have eaten you all without a second thought." Scarlett said.

"Then how did he and your mom...never mind I don't want to know." Marina said. She grabbed some food from the kitchen and went to her room.

Scarlett grabbed an apple took a bite then threw it over her shoulder. I raised an eyebrow.

"Not enough blood." She said.

I nodded. She didn't like anything that didn't have any blood. The planet she came from only ate meat and blood. So she was a bit of a carnivore. Infact she was literally. blood thisty. She never ate any people though....usually. The only exception to the no blood rule was candy, like gummi bears.

"Hey, I'm bored, wanna go for a fly?" Scarlett asked.

"Sure. It's been awhile since I've properly stretched." I said. We headed outside, went around the back of our cabin, and deeper into the forest. Trying to get away from unwanted eyes. As soon as we were far enough away from the main part of camp we stopped.

"You ready?" Scarlett asked.

"Ready." I agreed. She unfolded her large, red dragon wings and took off into the air. I unfolded my own wings, obsidian black and feathery and I took off after her.

As we were flying her hood flew off and her bright red hair flew in the wind. Her face had her fierce look of confidence that she always wore. She looked amazing. She hardly ever took off her hood so I never really got to see her face anymore. She was serious cute, in a scary beautiful way...Don't tell her I said that! She flew down next to me rhythming her wing strokes with mine, making sure not to hit my wings with her own.

I remembered when I used to be afraid of being this high in the sky. When I was afraid Zeus would shoot me out of the sky. Now If Zeus even dared let a single bolt loose he wouldn't find a dead demigod at his doorstep. He would find a sword at his neck.

I felt a single feather fall loose from my wings and float towards the ground. I remembered the day I got my wings. I had just woken up with them. It Scared me worst than the time Scarlett tried to sew my legs together. Long story,  don't ask. Anyways, Chaos had given the wings to add more stealth to my missions. And he wanted to make sure I could match Scarlett, as we would become partners in smaller scale missions. So bam! One night I grew black feathered wings.

"I love flying so much." Scarlett said.

"Yeah, it is pretty great." I said.

We flew in sync for awhile. Doing tricks in the air, we were flying so together it was like we were a professional air show. We were so high up, the campers looked like ants.

"We should probably go back down now." I said. Scarlett nodded. We flew back into the woods, Scarlett putting her hood back up. We landed. I folded my wings against my back and bent the darkness around me to hide them. They were small enough to fit under my robes without being noticed but I still liked being cautious. Scarlett, on the other hand, had larger wings than me and couldn't hide them so easily. She had to have them outside of her robes. She used a substance similar to the mist to hide them. It was simply called The Veil, well actaully it was called something that sounded like a series of hissing, clicking, and growling, but Scarlett claims it translates to The Veil. It came from Scarlett's home planet. Only she knew how to use it. It disguised her wings to look like a red and black backpack. Only she could see them as they were when she did this.

After she finished hiding her wings we headed back to our cabin.

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