I May Fall

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I fell through the hole laughing manically the whole way.

The gods banished me to Tartarus, so what. I'll make it out. And when I do they will be the first to know.

As I fell I saw the ground get closer and closer. I landed in the river of fire. My skin burned, but the feeling was nice. The fire water gave me strength. I crawled out and saw something that seemed familiar. It was the shrine to Hermes that me, Annabeth and bob stayed at. At the base was a couple plate of food. My stomach grumbled at the sight of pizza. I scarfed down every crumb of food. Then I fell asleep next to the statue.

~1 year later~

I walked along the shadows of the trees looking for the Arae.

Suddenly I spotted one in a clearing. I lunged at it killing it easily. My shoulder burned with pain. I didn't care. With each curse I survived I got stronger.
I had no idea how long I had been down here, days, weeks, years? I didn't care. I spent my time killing every monster in sight. The gods made a mistake by sending me back down here. And soon I will return and make them regret their mistake.

I walked to the shrine of Hermes, where I always stopped before heading to my camp. If the shrine didn't have food I would have stop visiting all together but I needed the offerings they burnt, I had no other food source. I had set up my own camp next to the Cocytus, the river of misery. The wailing of the spirits in the river helped me sleep. It's how I imagined the gods when I escaped.

When I arrived at the shrine there was pizza, as always, steak, fries, and a crumbled up piece of paper. As I ate the piece of pizza I unfolded the paper. I immediately recognized the hand writing as Annabeth's.


If your reading this don't panic. We are coming to rescue you. Once you get this message go to Damesen's house. Once we arrive we will meet you there. I have left you my invisibility cap for safety.

Love Annabeth.

Underneath the note was her Yankees cap. She thinks this is enough to make me forget she sent me to Tartarus!? She's wrong!

I went over to the Phlegethon (river of fire.) And threw it in there. I didn't need her gifts.

"Ha! Like I would meet them there." I said out loud. "Not after what they did."

I went to Damesen's house and wrote my own note and left it inside. Then I went back to my camp. I tried to sleep but there was a loud knock at my door.

"What kind of monster would knock? And at this time of night!?" I said out loud.

Then I realized it wasn't a monster. Maybe it was Annabeth!? I snuck out my back exit and went around to the front. I saw the person who was at my door wasn't Annabeth, but a tall man in a tuxedo that seemed to be lined with stars. As I stood there I felt like I should bow, but I didn't know why.

"Who are you!?" I demanded but I didn't raise my sword. It wasn't riptide. I didn't need any of the gods gift! I could make my own weapons!

"Poor Perseus....A year in Tartarus has left your mind crazy hasn't it?" The man said.


"You've lost so much, your life, your home, your mind, even your family. But I am here to offer you so much more than that." The man continued.

"Wait. Who are you." I said.

"I am Chaos, the void, the creator of everything and anything." The man said. As soon as he said that I bowed.

"Rise my son, you need not to bow to me." Chaos said. I stood up.

"So why are you here!?" I asked not meaning to raise my voice.

"I am here to offer you a position in my army." Chaos said.


"Yes, I have an army on my realm. And well, anyone who could survive a whole year by themselves in Tartarus is definitely worthy." Chaos said. "Or you could stay here, wait for your friends to rescue you." He pointed up. I saw a large object flying in the sky. It was the Argo II, or rather The Argo III since the Argo II was destroyed after we defeated Gaea. A search light lit up the shrine of Hermes. They were looking for me. I didn't need them! They betrayed me! They sent me here! And they won't get me back!

"I'll join your army, just get me out of here." I said. Chaos snapped his fingers and we were gone, just as I heard Annabeth yell,


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