End Of End

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There were several layers of magic surrounding the entrance. Arianna and I had to use our own magic, (since we were blessed by Order, the Primordial of Magic), to make it so we could enter the prison.

Once we were inside we closed the door. End's prison looked familiar. It was his castle. But it was in ruins. End himself was standing infront of it, his face tired. He didn't look nearly as intimidating as when we killed him. Or as strong.

"End, by the power of Chaos," Spencer started.

"Order," Arianna added.

"And Destruction." Alex added.

"We command you to give up your powers!" Spencer said.

"You are all foolish to come here." End spoke, his voice sounded...human.

"Give up your powers willingly and we will not harm you, if you resist then we will have no choice but to wield the power of the three primordials upon you." Arianna said.

"You really don't understand do you?" End said. We all stared at him.

Alex's eyes widened.

"You...You don't have any power left. All your waiting for is a holder." Alex said. End nodded.

"Who took your powers?" I asked.

"I can't stay here much longer. You need to bring forth a worthy candidate for holder." End said. He looked among us until he pointed.

"Her. She is worthy." He said. He was pointing to Sapphire.

"Me? I can't be worthy,  I'm just Sapphire." She said.

"Well 'Just Sapphire' you are my new successor. Let's just hope they don't lock you up like they did with me." End said, sending a look to the other holders. I'm sure their respective Primordials could feel the glare.

"But, you must give up your current power to take this power. Mixing powers is extremely dangerous. Possible, but dangerous." End said. Sapphire glanced at Spencer, Arianna, and Alex.

"We did come prepared for such a thing. Because we can't trap this power into an item and he seems insistent on giving you his power we can give your power to someone else." Spencer said. He gestured for Leo to step forward.

Sapphire transferred her power to Leo. Arianna took him to the back of the group to help him unlock it.

Sapphire's fire seemed to dim just a bit.

"Wait I though you were evil. You like actaully killed me. And almost killed my friends." I said.

"I....thats complicated. I was told I would be freed if I did that. They convinced me Chaos would allow me to be rid of my powers and fade into the void. But it wasn't chaos." End said.

Sapphire stepped forward.

"I, End, Primordial of Death and Endings, as well as Primordial of Rebirth and new Beginnings, give my powers to you, Sapphire Ignis De Mundo. You are now the Holder of The Power Of End. May my power serve you well." End said. A purple light surrounded her before fading.

And Sapphire had the Power of End.

And End had Faded.

She turned to us. The only difference aside from her fire glowing brighter was her eyes. They had a slight purple tint to what used to be a fiery blue.

"What now?" She asked.

"We have to figure out who took End's powers. It could have been anyone." Spencer said.

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