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"Albert!" I growled.

"Well, if it isn't my incompetent leader. Hello Apokir- well I guess it isn't Apokirixye anymore. Where's your girlfriend?" He asked. I nearly jumped at him.

"How dare you mention her! She was a hero!" Scarlett spat.

"Well if it isn't the daughter of Tartarus. You know, your father put a pretty large bounty on your head. Captured dead or alive of course. I think I'll bring you back in chains. That way you'll be there forever." Al said.

"I'd rather die than go with you!" Scarlett practically screamed. She waved her hand and a blast of wind came from it. Albert simply dodged it with incredible speed.

"Did you forget that I have every power of End. Except of course Intimidation and his ultimate power. But those soon will be mine. And soon I'll become a god, no, a Primordial!" Al sneered. He outstretched his hand. The pendant that held End's Intimidation floated out of Spencer's grasp and toward Al. Sapphire jumped out to get it but stumbled and fell at Al's feet.

Once the pendant reached his hand he crushed it and absorbed the power.

He looked down at Sapphire.

"So you are End's underwhelming." He said.

He raised his arm and she raised with it.

"I....can't....move." Sapphire cried.

"He....He has..." Arianna said stunned. Then she looked at the base of his throne. There was a girl there dead. She had golden hair and silver skin, simular to Jace. She gasped.

"Fara! You...You killed her you monster!" She stuttered.

"Fara! No!" Jace said. He looked down and saw her. "You'll pay for this Albert!"

"Ah yes. She happened to be here. Her Order power over wind manipulation really helped me get into the vault. She was your sister Jace?" Al asked. He already knew the answer of course.

"Then of course there was younger Lizette." He gestured to the other girl next to him. She looked to be about 14. She had blue skin and blue hair, her arms covered in snowflake patterns.

"The Power Of Ice Manipulation is very helpful, especially when killing an Ignis." He said. Al turned back to Sapphire. She was an Ignis.

"Of course he would chose someone like you. Someone unworthy for such a power. A power that was never yours to begin with. I'm sorry Saph, old friend, but this power belongs to me." He said.

He placed his hand on her back. She struggled to get free. Suddenly a large spike of ice emerged from her chest. Her eyes widened. She gasped for air. Her fires were dying. She was dying.

"No!" Leo called. He was the first to react. He ran out and shot fire at both of them.

Al waved his hand and he flew back and hit the wall, falling to the ground unconscious.

Al pushed Sapphire off the ice spike, which protruded from his hand. And she fell to the ground. Her fires barely visible. At that moment everyone cracked. We all ran at Al. He couldn't block all of us could he?

But as we ran at him Sapphire went completely dim. The purple light that was End's power seeped out of her and went to Al.

He suddenly was surrounded by a dark light.

"You are all foolish! I have all the power! I am a Primordial now!" Al said, his voice so powerful it shattered the windows.

Jace, Scarlett, Reyna, and Arianna were the first to charge him, weapons raised.

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