Golden Days

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Annabeth's pov

Me and the other five (Piper, Jason, Frank, Hazel, and Leo) we're all sitting in the sand at the beach discussing the day's events.

"I couldn't get him to spill anything, the only thing he mentioned was that they didn't have Pegasi where he was from but he's seen them before." Hazel said.

"Well, you had more luck than me." Frank said.

"That's because you walked up, said hi, then left." Leo said. "Him and Scarlett invited me to hang out later."

"Oh don't even mention her." Piper said.

"What happened?" I asked. Piper explained what happened between her, Scarlett, and Apokíryxe.

"Dang, I can't believe I missed that." Leo said. Piper glared at him.

"Nevermind." He said quickly.

"I got something." Jason said breaking the silence.

"Well, Spill it." I said.

"Well, he said that while he was helping another planet he met someone wandering the wilderness. He said the guy was tall, with messy black hair, except there were patches of it missing as if an animal had used his head as a chew toy. The guy had green eyes but they were sunken in, and he didn't look like he had slept in a couple years. His skin was extremely pale, like he hadn't seen sunlight in long time, it was also covered in scars. He was also extremely skinny, so skinny you could see his ribs. Apokíryxe said that the guy was was walking around mumbling a pen, then he handed me this." Jason said pulling out a very familiar pen. After that description I was nearly crying.

"Riptide!?" I said snatching the pen up.

"But this always returns to Percy's pocket." I said.

"Apokíryxe said that the pens magic stopped when he picked it up. He thinks it has something to do with the planets, like it he's on a different planet than Percy that it won't reappear to his pocket or turn into a sword." Jason explained.

"That's how we'll know." I said.

"Know what?" Jason asked.

"When Percy comes back. It will reappear in his pocket when he comes back. We can get a Hecate camper to put some sort of tracking magic on it. That way when he comes back we'll know where he is." I said excitedly.

"What if he...Never comes back?" Hazel asked.

"Then we'll go find him." I said. "The chaos soldiers can travel between planets, maybe they have a spaceship​."

"Wait, are you suggesting we steal their spaceship?" Piper asked.

"Maybe." I said.

"That's wrong, you can't steal from them." Piper said. "Even if they are awful people."

"Like you should be talking, you used to steal cars." Leo said.

"Yeah, but I gave them back, plus that was only to get my dad's attention." Piper said.

"We'll give it back, plus we're trying to find Percy. I think it's worth the risk." Hazel said.

"Good luck with that." A voice said. We looked around. Nobody was there. Suddenly Apokíryxe appeared out of nowhere, scaring Frank to death. Be jumped about three feet in the air and turned into a cat, hiding behind Hazel. Apokíryxe smiled.

"Scaredy Cat." He said. Leo and Jason held back laughs. Hazel out a hand on cat Frank. He turned back to human.

"Sorry." Apokíryxe apologized. Frank nodded.

"You were spying on us!?" I said.

"And you were plotting to steal from us." Apokíryxe said.

"Us?" I asked. Suddenly another chaos army soldiers, a male soldier appeared next to him.

"Hi." He said.

"This is Sparky." Apokíryxe said.

"Hi, I'm Leo, and I'm an alcoholic." Leo said.

"Hi Leo." Frank, Jason, and Apokíryxe said. Piper punched Jason and Leo.

"Stop joking around leo." She said. Apokíryxe laughed.

"So Sparky, is that a nickname?" Piper asked.

"No." He quickly said.

"Don't lie, Sena." Apokíryxe said.

"Your name is Sena?" Leo asked holding back a laugh.

"Yes, do you have a problem with that?" Sparky Asked.

"Oh chill Pikachu, Leo's doing nothing​ wrong." Apokíryxe said. Sparky glared at him but said nothing. I noticed strange golden lines along Sparky's hand.

"What's on your hand?" I asked.

"He has lightning patterns running along his veins." Apokíryxe said.

"It helps me connect to my inner element. Without I can't use my Chi." Sparky said.

"Your Chi?" I asked.

"Its what the Elementists call there power." Apokíryxe explained.

"Elementists?" Hazel asked.

"It's the name of my people. We use the elements to survive. By getting the element we were born into tattooed onto our bodies we connect ourselves to our spiritual past." Sparky said but Apokíryxe interrupted him.

"That's enough spirit mumbo jumbo, you'd think you were trying to convert someone to your religion or something." He said. Sparky glared then disappeared.

"He's...Interesting." I said after awhile.

"Anyways...It's going to be hard for you to steal from us, especially if your stealing something we don't have." Apokíryxe said.


"We don't have a spaceship sweetheart." Apokíryxe said. I glared at him.

"Then how do you get from planet to planet?" I asked.

"It's called teleportation, how do you think I appeared on top of your pizza?" Apokíryxe asked trying not to laugh. I glared at him. I started to think about what Jason said the commander told him about Percy...Something didn't add up.

"You said you saw Percy." I said.

"Yeah, if it was him, he looked like a hellhounds chew toy. Probably from Tartarus." Apokíryxe said.  Did he hesitate when he said Tartarus?

"But after he left I saw him in my dreams he looked fine. Maybe a little pale and tired but he looked normal." I said. Apokíryxe was momentarily speechless.

"I said IF it was him not that it was him. I wouldn't know, I never met him." Apokíryxe said.

"But you found riptide." I said.

"Well I don't know what to tell I you." He said. Then he vanished.

"I guess we're not going into space then." Leo said.

"He's hiding something." I pointed out.

"Yeah, he knows more then he's letting on." Piper said.

"Well, they kind of accepted me into their friend group, maybe I could try to get some not information out of them." Leo suggested.

"And while you do that we can figure out how to steal there spaceship." I said.

"They said they didn't have one." Frank pointed out.

"Oh please, I doubt they were telling the truth. If theyre so high and mighty then they have to have a spaceship." I said. They all nodded but said nothing. Leo took this opportunity to make a dumb joke.

"Alright everyone, meeting adjourned, next week we will discuss your addiction in greater detail and how to fight it." He said grinning.

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