New Life, New Rival

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Chaos teleported us to his dimension. I looked around and noticed we were in a large hallway. The hallway had several doors on each wall. At the end of the hallway was a large room that had a table with several throne looking seats. All but one of them were occupied by kids about my age (18).

Before we entered the hall chaos turned to me.

"Perseus." He said to me. Just him saying my name made me angry. It reminded me of my life. My old life. I told myself. Maybe I could change it. New life. New name.
Chaos seemed to read my mind because he said,

"You can change it if you want." He said. I thought for a minute.

"Apokíryxe." I decided.
(Aw-paw-keer-icks) (similar to apocalypse)

"Hmm...It fits." Chaos said.

We walked in and all the other soliders looked at me. Each of the thrones had their own designs. Each person seemed to match their thrones. A girl with bright orange hair, blue fiery eyes, and skin black like charcoal was sitting on a throne made of fire. Another girl, who seemed to be a tree nymph sat on a throne made of tree roots and branches. Another throne had a boy had bright yellow hair and lightning bolts tattooed all over him. His throne was made out of electricity. There was also a girl with dark red hair, green eyes, pale skin, and dragon wings. She was pretty and scary at the same time.

She sat on a blood red throne that sat next to a dark shadowy throne

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She sat on a blood red throne that sat next to a dark shadowy throne. The shadowy throne was empty.

The dragon girl seemed to be studying me. Probably mentally debating the easiest way to kill me.

"Soliders!" Chaos bellowed. All of them looked at him. Except Mystery dragon girl who still studied me.

"We have a new recruit!" Chaos announced.

"What is he?" Lightning boy asked.

"Half-blood." Chaos answered. Several people nodded as if it was a decent. The dragon girl started laughing. I waited for her to stop laughing but she didn't.
I stepped forwards.

"What's so funny!?" I demanded.
As I did this she laughed even more.

"Aww look at him, he's soooo cute." Dragon girl teased.

"You wanna see cute!?" I said and I drew my sword. This seemed to be what she was waiting because she instantly shot up and pulled out a long blood red blade.

"Bring it on 'Demi-God'." Dragon bitch said. I ran at her swinging my sword, at the last second I changed my attack and slashed at her arm. She seemed to anticipate this because she instantly blocked and pushed me back. I fell on the floor. She grinned.

"That all you got half-good?" Dragon bitch teased.

I charged again this time instead of changing my move I just charged straight into her. She didn't expect me to be so stupid so I managed to get her to the ground, my sword at her neck.

"Not bad Demi-god." She said. I moved my sword and held a hand out to her, to help her up. She quickly swiped her legs under mine, knocking me to the ground. She laughed again.

"Not bad at all. Never turn your back on your opponent." She said. She reached her hand out to help me up. I batted it away and stood up on my own.

"What's your name half-blood?" Dragon girl asked.

"Apokíryxe." I said.

"That's a mouthful." She said.

"It means-"

"I know what it means." She said stopping me mid-sentence.

"What's yours?" I asked.

"Queen Shanequa of The Dragony assholes." She said. I stared at her. She laughed again.

"I'm kidding." She laughed. "The Name's Scarlett." She extended her hand for me to shake it. I reluctantly shook it. As soon as I took her hand she smiled evilly a judo flipped me. I groaned on the floor. I remembered the last time I was flipped like that. Annabeth, or rather as I preferred to call her, Annabitch. She flipped me like that a lot. Thinking about her made me angry.

As soon as Scarlett turned her back I grabbed her leg and tripped her. She fell on her face.

"NeVeR tUrN YoUr bAcK oN yOUr oPpoNenT." I mocked her.(a/n:as I'm writing this I'm thinking of the spongebob meme XD) She stood up ready to rip my throat out, but before she could Chaos stepped in.

"Scarlett, back to your seat." Chaos said. Scarlett obeyed and sat in her blood red throne. Chaos turned to me.

"Each soliders specializes in a different ability. Jasmine specializes in plants." The tree nymph waved.
"Sapphire specializes in fire." The girl on the fire throne waved. Before chaos could continue Scarlett interrupted him.

"Yeah yeah and Sparky specializes in lightning. I think he gets it." Scarlett said.

"Hey my name isn't Sparky!" Sparky complained.

"You don't like your real name." Scarlett said.

"That's because it's a girl's name." Sparky said.

"Well what do you want us to call you? Sparky or Sena?" Scarlett asked. Everyone stifled laughs.

"Sparky is fine." Sparky mumbled. The other soliders laughed. Everyone introduced themselves to me. (Instead of writing about everyone saying hi I just but there names and powers.)

Lightning-Sparky Male
Bright Yellow hair, gold eyes, lightning patterns along his veins

Nature-Jasmine (jazzy) Female
Tree nymph, light green skin, dark brown hair. Green eyes.

Fire-Sapphire Female
Firey orange hair, firey blue eyes, skin as black as charchol that light up with fire when she used her powers.

Water-Marina Female
Sea green eyes, chocolate brown hair.
Human like appearance, can change her appearance to anything but prefers her human one. Has gills

Light-Dawn Female
Bright blonde hair, sunset
eyes, really pale skin. Ears pointed like an elf

Intelligence-Albert (Al-Brains) Male
Dark Blue hair, brown
eyes. Almost looks as if he was glowing with a golden light. Pointed features. Strange patterns along cheeks.

Healer-Jace Male
Light gold hair silver
eyes. Silver skin.

Poison-Ivy Female
Black cat person, poisonus purple eyes. Cat ears and cat tail(think khajiit from skyrim)

Scarlett didn't bother introducing herself since we had already met. But I was still curious on what her power was.
I was going to ask but chaos started talking.

"Normally when we except new recruits we have more seats available so the recruits can choose which one they want but since the only one we have left is shadow that's the one you'll have to take." Chaos said.

"But I don't know anything about shadow powers." I said.

"I can help you." Chaos said. He waved his hand and suddenly the power from the shadow throne seeped into me.

"However until you learn to master this power you will be training with Scarlett." Chaos said.

"What?" Me and her said at the same time.

"Well, since you two seemed to have fun earlier with that fight I figured you would make good training partners." Chaos said.

No. I wanted to say Scarlett beat me to it.

"I'm not training him!" She said the word "him" with disgust.

"Well you train him or I'm demoting you both to private." Chaos said. Scarlett was silent. I guess she really liked being a commander.

After chaos left, Scarlett stood up, grabbed the back of my shirt and dragged me to the arena.

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