Broken Strength

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Percy's Pov

End came in himself and dragged us into the torture room. He threw Annabeth against the wall with the chains and they wrapped around her. She winced in pain but tried not to show it.

He chained me at my usually spot in between the pillars.

"Tell me all the weaknesses of chaos army and I will let you live. And I'll let the girl leave." End said. I took a deep breath.

"No!" Annabeth said. I didn't look at her.

"There's a small-" I was cut off by End falling over. I realized Annabeth had kicked him. He looked at her furiously.

"You will respect your new lord!" He yelled. He raised his hand to shoot lightning at her.

Then, everything seemed to slow down.

End's hand started to glow with purple light. I knew Annabeth wouldn't be able to handle the lightning.

Annabeth's Pov

I knew kicking him was a bad idea but I would not let him get the information out of Apokirixye.

Kicking him was the only thing I could think of. He looked at me with fury in his eyes. I couldn't hear what he was saying but I knew it was probably something like,

"You will respect me"

His hand started to glow. I closed my eyes and braced myself for the impact. But before the lightning hit me I heard a metallic snap. I opened my eyes and saw Apokirixye break the chain that were holding him and run in front of me just as the lightning struck. He took in the lightning for a second then he fell to the ground and started twitching uncontrollably.

"NO!" I yelled. His head turned towards me as if he was able to tell I just yelled. Then his body was still.

End glared at me, then at him.

"You just cost me my only means of information." He said coldly. Then he turned to a servent behind him.

"Take his body to my lab. We may be able to salvage some information from his brain." End said. His...body? Was he...dead?

I struggled against my chains. I needed to know if he was gone. The chains actaully released me and I went to his body. I went to feel his pulse but there was nothing. I tried to give him CPR but it didn't work.

"Its no use. That lightning had the strength to kill Chaos himself." End said cruelly.

I ran up and punched End in the face. He staggered backwards. I tried to punch him again but he waved a hand and I felt two sets of hands grab me. His invisible servents. I tried to struggle against them but it was no use. I screamed. I screamed Apokirixye's name. I tried to run back to him. To his limp body. But I couldn't. I was dragged back to my cell.

Two guys I loved were now taken from me.

I cried so loudly I was sure it could be heard from the underworld. I couldn't believe Apokirixye was gone. But this time he was gone for good.

"There may be a way to save him." Said a voice from behind me. I looked up and saw a small girl. She had blueish green skin and seaweed-like hair. She wore a dress decorated with shells. Her eyes were as blue ad the waterfall.

I knew exactly who she was.

"Your the nymph from the waterfall." I said. She nodded.

"My name is Ophelia. End destroyed my home. I used it to help hero's escape. But now my waterfall is gone I have to help you in a different way." Ophelia said. She pulled out a necklace she was wearing. On it was a small bottle of a turquoise liquid.

"This is the last of the water from my waterfall. It has special healing powers. It may heal Apokirixye." She said. She handed it to me. I held if carefully. Then looked back up at Ophelia.

"Are you sure? If we take this you won't have any more water. If we take this you'll die." I said. She smiled. She looked kind of like Percy's mom. Percy once told me that a lot of sea nymphs looked like his mom because Poseiden still loved his Sally and he wanted to see her face in his sea nymphs, I wasn't sure if that was true but it was really sweet. 

"I'd rather die knowing I gave someone a chance rather than living with someone being tortured." Ophelia said.

"But how can I get this to him? They took him." I said. She smiled again.

"Check your pocket." She said. I suddenly felt something in my left pocket. When I pulled out the item, I realized it was riptide. I uncapped it and the blade grew in my hand.

"I can guide you on a safe path to him. But we must leave now." Ophelia said. I nodded and stood up. The door to my cell opened and we walked out.

She wasn't wrong about a safe path. We met no guards or anything. It was kind of unsettling. I figured that we'd run into someone. But we didn't. Eventually we stopped in front of a door that was labeled, Lab.

"End isn't in there. But he is on his way. You must hurry. There is several guards in there so you will have to fight." Ophelia said, "This is where I say goodbye. I can guard the door until you give him the water."

I didn't know her long but I gave her a hug.

"Thank you. I promise I will remember you." I said. She smiled sadly.

"You must hurry. End is close." Ophelia said. I nodded and opened the door to the room. Seven. Seven men stood around Apokirixye's body. They were about to cut him open. I screamed, ran in, and attacked with the ferocity of a Nemeimen Lion. Taking them down was easy enough. They weren't exactly warriors.

I ran to Apokirixye's side and fished the bottle of waterfall water. I opened the top and whispered,

"Thank you Ophelia."

And I poured it down his throat.

Nothing happened.

I heard a loud yell from outside the room. End was here. The door was locked but it wouldn't hold him forever.

"Come on Kiri. Come on. Wake up." I said. He didn't move. I held up riptode ready to attack if I had to.

Then Apokirixye's started to breathe.

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