Son Of A Bitc-Really Amazing Woman

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^ that is my new profile pic made by pillowpete445. Thank you so much Pete!


I arrived at camp near midday. The beach was almost empty. Unfourtunatly Annabeth happened to be sitting on the beach.

"Hey Apokirixye. What we're you doing in the ocean?" She asked, as if seeing someone emerge from the ocean was normal. I made sure that when I left the ocean I was covered in water, rather than be dry. No reason to make her suspicious.

"I was thanking Oceanus for getting the others out." I said, "He wanted me to tell you that he's sorry for not being able to get us out. That he sent a nymph to help."

"You were talking to Poseidon weren't you?" She said smirking.

"What? How did you know?" I asked.

"Oceanus doesn't know who I am." Annabeth said, "And he hates demigods."

I nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me it was Poseiden?" Annabeth asked.

" knew the son of Poseiden was a touchy subject. I didn't want to reopen old wounds. Unlike what many think I do have a heart. It's just really small, I don't use it much." I said. Annabeth laughed lightly.

"Don't worry about me. I've spent twenty years searching for him. I finally have a decent lead but..." She trailed off.

"But What? What's your lead?" I asked. Could she really know?

"Well, my lead is you. You said you saw him." She said.

"I said if that was him." I reminded her.

"Yeah, but you found riptide." She said.

"What was the but earlier?" I asked.

"I mean...Nico told years ago that Percy had left earth years ago. What if he doesn't want to be found. What if he blames me for what happened to him? I just....I don't know if I should go after him if he doesn't want me to. On the other hand, what if he was captured by someone like End?" She said.

"Well,"I started, "Good luck with that."

I turned away and walked towards the edge of camp.

"Where are you going?" She asked, somewhat irritated. As if she expected me to offer some wisdom on her dead boyfriend.

"Manhattan. I have a promise to keep." I said. I then unfurled my wings, and took flight.


You'd be surprised how easy it is to make flying into Manhattan via feathery primordial-given wings look normal. I don't know why but nobody seemed to bat an eye as I descended in front of the apartment building I used to be so accustomed to.

I walked up to my old apartment trying to ignore the differences in the building like the newer paint job, or the new decor.

Once I reached the apartment I took a deep breath, then once I was ready I knocked on the door.

A woman, about 20 to 25 years old answered the door. She had dark dark brown hair and blue eyes that sparkled. She looked somewhat familiar, but I couldn't place it. She looked at me unsure if she should close the door or see who I was. She thankfully chose the latter.

"Can I help you?" She asked, uncertainty spreading across her face.

"I-Is Sally Jackson home?" I asked, my voice not as confident as it usually was. Without taking her eyes off me she slightly turned her head and called,

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