The Vault

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I'd just like to say before the chapter starts that my cast on my hand (I broke my hand recently) is coming off today (Friday 4/27/18 if this is posted later) so updates should come sooner. Thank you so much for the people who were supporting me through it. This book is coming to a close. Thank you for reading and thank you for almost 7k!


I woke up the next morning with the sun, or the bright purple star that planet chaos orbits, shining in my face.

What time is it...?

I looked at my wrist, then realized I don't even have a watch and I haven't since the shield Tyson gave me. I looked around. Scarlett wasn't anywhere to be seen. I was still on our balcony but she wasn't there with me.

I attempted to reach out to her with my mind. It was a lot easier since we were on planet chaos, or maybe it was because my order powers were stronger.

Scar? Where are you?

Where do you think dumbass. We're training today. Everyone who got new powers. That technically includes you, don't worry, Arianna only hates you a little bit for being two hours late. Scarlett messaged me.

Two hours!? Why didn't you wake me up?

You just looked so cute cuddled up to your shoe. And you were drooling.

My shoe...?

The right one to be exact.

I looked and saw my right foot was in fact shoeless. I looked around and saw it was where my head used to be.

Whatever. I'm on my way. Try to get Arianna in a good mood before I get there. You guys are friends right?

Yeah. I'll just tell her about that time Jace stole your pillow pet. That will cheer her up.

Shut up. I'm on my way.

I climbed down off the balcony and made my way to the training hall.

"Your late." Arianna growled as I walked in. Yeah she really didn't like me did she.

"Better late then never." I said.

"Whatever. Just get in line. We're going over the next part." Arianna said. I stood over by Scarlett and Hazel.

"Now that all of are present, we can begin unlocking your powers." Spencer said. And that's when we began.

Ok the last thing you want to read is a boring training scene so were skipping that. I've had enough filler in this book for awhile.

Once training was over and we all unlocked our powers we made our way back to the throne room with the others.

"Everyone gather up. Today we will be heading into the vault. Once inside the Vault we will be forced to pass the trials of Chaos. That unfourtunately means the weakest amount us will perish. If it is someone who possesses a Chaos power we will transfer to one of the demigods who didn't get one. Then we will continue. If you all try hard and stay strong we should only loose one of us. Once we get to the final challenge we will have to open the doors to End's prison. Then once inside we will force him to divide his power into these artifacts, where they will stay on planet Chaos until we find the proper holders. Once that happens you may all return home. By then the threat that threatens your home will be gone." Spencer said.

"Um...can you go back to the threat? What threat?" Piper asked.

"Well, Chaos was sent to your planet for a reason. Gaea and Kronos have risen. But it is tied with End. So when we force him to fade it will be gone as well. For now to keep your camps safe we've sent our intiates to deal with it."  Spencer said.

"Wait. How many? We have a lot." I said.

"Around 200 to each camp. Better to be safe than dead." Spencer said.

"Wait. I just realised something." Annabeth said out of nowhere.

We all looked at her. She was deep in thought.

"Percy told me, and I think you told me too that the Primordial only had 13 fragments. 12 being powers or personalities or whatever and the 13th being their main power, which you, Alex, and Arianna have." She started.

"Correct." Spencer said.

"But there's more than thirteen Chaos powers. Fire, Water, Lightning, Healing, Light, Darkness, Poison, Nature, Brutality, Air, Earth, Wildlife, Compassion, and Intelligence." She said, "That's fourteen. Not even counting your power."

"Very observant Annabeth. That is because Chaos realised he couldn't send all of the demigods in defenseless. He split some extra power so that you could have the power you needed." Spencer explained. (A/N: XD actually that was me messing up my counting but the Spencer thing is believable I guess)

After Specner explained a little more about that Arianna cut him off.

"Spencer, brother it is time to enter." She said. Alex stood up by them wearing the only serious face I've ever seen him wear.

"Let us descend to the Vault." Spencer said. Spencer put his hand on the floor. Suddenly it started descend. Once we were past floor level a panel closed above us surrounding us in darkness.

"Huh. Floor elevator. Cool." Leo said.

"Dawn, we need lights." Arianna said.

"Got it." She raised her hands into the air and several multicolored balls of light floated out of them and to each one of us. Each was a different color and they hovered above each one of our heads. All of us got our own personal light.

"I made it so they are your favorite colors!" Dawn exclaimed. She did a little happy dance.

Hers was golden like the sun.
Mine if course was blue.
Annabeth had green.
Scarlett's was blood red.
Pipers was an electric blue, kind of like Jason's eyes.
(It would take way too long to go through everyone's personal light ball colors so use your imagination. Maybe leave a comment on who you think got what color)

"And the light follows you!" Dawn said.

"Thank you Dawn." Spencer said. She smiled and nodded.

The elevator descended into the abyss. Now with the light we could see around us was Chaos obsidian walls.

After what seemed like hours we reached an opening in the walls. A cavern. And on one side was a pair metal of glowing purple doors.

Once we got to the floor we stepped off the elevator platform thing.

"These are the Vault doors. Once we enter there is no turning back. Those who wish to coward out, you may go. If you have Chaos powers you must give them up." Alex said. Nobody moved.

"Alrighty then. Got us a bunch of brave people. You would do well in Gryffindor." Alex said.

Arianna, Alex, and Spencer all placed their hand on the three handprints in the door. Theirs hands each had a tattoo on the back of them.

Spencer had the infinity symbol.

Arianna had balance scales.

Alex had fire.

Each of their tattoos started to glow. Once the purple magic barrier started to fade slightly they took their hands off.

"Alright. Everyone through. I'll lead, Alex with me, Arianna, Percy, you take up the rear." Spencer ordered.

I waited for everyone to walk in before walking in myself. All except Arianna who followed me, closing the doors and sealing them behind us.

We had entered the Vault. And now between here and the prison, one of us would die.

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