Info on Possible Sequel/Q&A

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It's been a while hasn't it?

Listen, I know you all are here because the chapter title mentioned a possible sequel, and I will get to that.

I have some other things I would like to talk about first.

I'll be quick, I promise.

So this story just turned 3 last month.

I cant believe it's been 3 years since I posted this book.

I want to thank you guys so much. This story really means a lot to me. I spent so much time on it, unsure if it was going to be a success or not. And you guys really turned this story into what it became.

Sure when I started writing it, I had a plan, but reading your comments helped me make the story better.

If you didnt know, this was originally a Percabeth story.

Then when someone asked me if I could not do Percabeth. I decided huh, why not change it? And that is how the famous (not famous) ship Percelett came to be (ship name work in progress)

Anyway, as a thank you, I wanted to do a Q&A.

I know, not that exciting but I figured maybe some people had some unanswered questions or something and possibly they wanted to ask.

These questions are purely about the book and characters, not me.

Types of Questions you can ask:

-About the book
Such as: how did I get any ideas? What other book possibly inspired this one? Why didn't some characters get powers that they should have? Etc.

-About the Characters
I had a lot of OC's for this book. Was it too many to keep up with, did you have any questions about them? Ask away!

-Questions FOR the Characters
Curious on what's Apokirixye's favorite flavor of ice cream? Or maybe Scarlett's deepest darkest secret? Please don't hesitate to ask. I'll try not to get stabbed by Scarlett when getting these answers.


And please ask some questions. I really would like this to actually be a success. I will be posting answers after December 15th (2020) in a single chapter.

Now what you've probably all been waiting for,

Possible Sequel.

I'm thinking about writing a sequel.

That's pretty much it.

I know, I know, clickbait.

But would you have read this chapter if I didnt say something about a sequel.

Ok ok, listen, if Q&A is a success, then I'll talk more about it. I have a basic idea down that I'm excited about.

But for now, have comfort in knowing that Percy and Scarlett will still be together and Annabeth ain't gonna change that....mostly because she's dead....but also because she sees Percy/Apokirixye as family.

But yeah. Q&A,

You got Q's, I've got A's
(Anybody get the reference?)

Thanks for stopping in to see this update.

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