True Order

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Percy's pov

"Scarlett! I need your help!" I said as I burst into Chaos Cabin. Scarlett was in the kitchen making a sandwich.

"Whaaaaat? Why are you yelling?" She asked.

"We need to go to Chaos planet." I said. She looked at me confused.

"Why? We haven't even finished our mission." She said.

"I know but Chaos told me, well he didn't tell me exactly, he told Annabeth but, he told us that he found the other people he needed. He told us he faded." I said. Her eyes went wide.

"No, he couldn't of faded yet. He said promised me he would stay until I could control my pow-nevermind that's not important. But still, he said he wouldn't leave yet." She said.

"We have to hurry. Annabeth is meeting us here with the others. I think Al might be at Planet Chaos as well, we have to make sure we get to Planet Chaos before he does. He could get his hands on the new recruits and kill them." I said. Scarlett nodded.

"I can't teleport non Chaos members that far. And Annabeth doesn't have enough control over her powers to be able to even teleport herself. Even if she did unlock it so fast." Scarlett said.

"Then we'll have to take a spaceship." I said.

"Didn't you say that we didn't have one." She said.

"Yeah, but I also once said that I respected the gods. Things change." I said.

"Yeah, but that's different. We don't actaully have a spaceship." Scarlett said.

"Yeah, but we have the ability to create one." I said.

"Chaos powers can't create objects like that." Scarlett said. I smirked.

"I know." I said. I led her down the hallway to room 6, then knocked on the door.

The door opened and Marina quickly stepped out. Her room was completely filled with water, somehow it didn't leak out when she opened the door.

"Hey Bro, heard you lost your powers. What happened?" Marina asked.

"Long story short, Al betrayed us. I have a favor to ask, it will only be temporary but since I am without my powers I am useless. I need to borrow something of yours." I said. She nodded, knowing that this day would have come eventually. Dawn predicted it.

Dawn, with her light powers, inherited a sort of physic power that allows her to see glimpses of the future. She knew I would lose my power. And she knew the only way for me to gain it back was by taking someone else's power. Marina and I had decided on an alternate. Instead of taking someone's powers I would take something of Marina's.

She pulled a necklace out from under her shirt. She always hid it. When we found it we swore only to tell the people involved. Me, Jace, Marina, and Chaos were the only people who knew about it. Because it was so powerful Marina never used it. But desperate times call for desperate measures.

She took off the necklace. She slid the ring off of the chain and handed it to me. The ring was made Ordarian Silver. The metal was cold to the touch and engraved with patterns of ocean waves. I cautiously held it in my palm examining the ring. I hadn't seen it since the day we retrieved it. Chaos had ordered that Marina, Jace, or I carried it for emergencies. Jace refused to carry any type of power that wasn't healing and I refused to mess with any type of water related power. So Marina stepped up and took the responsibility.

Who knows what the ring could do to me. Even without my powers it could still potentially harm me. But we needed this power. I needed this power. I needed to lead my squad.

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