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Percy's pov

I slept for what felt like years. And knowing how I slept, it could have been. Heck, after my first heavy training session I slept for 1 full chaos year. That's when Scarlett started teasing me about how human strength is weak. She's not exactly wrong, I was weaker than the other soldiers. Emphasis on was.

Of course Scarlett lied though. She said she would wake me for the next shift. If had to have been at least a day. Maybe two?

I got up and changed into a simple outfit, a black and blue t-shirt and some comfortable pants that would be easy to battle in just in case.

I walked down the hallway and passed the training room. That's when I heard people talking.

I originally thought it was Calypso, Leo, and someone training because I heard both female and male voices. But as I got close I recognized Annabeth's voice. And someone else. Someone I knew well. I approached the doorway and saw in the middle of the training room, Annabeth wielding a sword made of shadow, while attacking a shadowy creature. Next to her, observing her progress, was Spencer. The holder of the power of Chaos and one of my oldest friends.

"Spencer?" I asked. He turned, his image flickered as if he were a hologram. I had seen Alex and Arianna do a trick like it to protect images of themselves to communicate with people.

"My old friend. How have you been doing? I hope my sister didn't give you too much trouble with that ring." He said. Annabeth looked at me. Then said,

"You went to sleep. Didn't you?"


"Honestly, I'm surprised. I didn't think me not working woild effect you." She said.

"It didn't. Scarlett talked to me." I said.

"Oh? Let me guess, it was something along the lines of If you don't go to sleep now, I'll kick your but into next week'." Annabeth said, giving his best impression of Scarlett.

I laughed.

"No, it was more along the lines of 'You can't stay up forever. So go to bed idiot'." I said. Annabeth nodded.

"So what are you doing here Spencer?" I asked.

"Annabeth needed help with her powers. She requested help from Chaos...and well...since he's gone well I...I am the best we've got." Spencer said.

" really happened. Who got the last of his powers?" I asked.

"'s complicated. You will see once you get to Planet Chaos." Spencer said. He was reluctant to say much. He always had his secrets. I like to imagine Spencer kept secrets so he can dramatically reveal them in a manor that would be shocking to an audience.

"I should probably check on the crew. See how far we've gone. We're probably only 45 hours away, since I fell asleep at around 55 and Scarlett said she would wake me up for the next shift." I said. Both Annabeth and Spencer nodded as I left the room.

As I walked down the halls I realized something.

Scarlett kissed me. I mean....I completely forgot about that. She kissed me before I fell asleep. It was a little kiss and just on the forhead but it still happened. Does this mean she liked me!? No, I don't have time for this. I have an important mission I need to focus on right now. No time for insane love theories, I have a universe to save damit!

I walked into the control room and saw her standing at the main controls.

"Your awake." She said as I stood next to her.

"Yeah. How far are we? 45, 47 hours?" I asked.

"More like 20." She said. I looked at her.

"You mean to tell me I've been asleep for 35 hours!?" I asked.

"Well, you earthlings need your sleep. Believe me, I am used to staying up for days on end if I have to." Scarlett said.

"Switch with me then. Go rest. I'll wake you when we get there." I said.

She shook her head.

"Two things. One," She said holding up one finger, "Your going to wake me up when were five hours away. Then everyone will go to sleep until the last hour. Since we know all the quarderents around Planet Chaos are peaceful we can all be rested before the fight. And Two," She held a second finger up.

"I promised I would show you how to work the coffee maker." She finished. I smiled.

"Number two, fine. Number one...well I'm not happy about it but it's the best plan we have." I said. We walked to the kitchen and walked to the coffee maker.

"First of all, you forgot to replace the little coffee pod thing." Scarlett explained. She lifted a little handle in the front and the machine showed a small plastic cup with a label on the top. She pulled out the small cup and threw it away. Then she went to the cupboard and pulled out a new one.

"After you remove the old cup, pick your flavor. My personal favorite is this one." She said. She held up a small red cup labeled 'The blood of my enemies'. She put it where the old cup was.

"Next you close it." She said. She closed the top and the screen next to the main part of the machine lit up, with the words, Ready To Brew flashing.

"Then you grab a cup and put if under where the drink comes out." She said. She grabbed a black coffee mug that had a very angry cat on it.

"Then you just click brew." She said. She clicked a large silver button and machine started to make some noise. Then thick red liquid poured into Scarlett's cup.

"Wasn't there a normal coffee machine here before. One with a coffee pot?" I asked.

"Eh, I found a nicer one." Scarlett explained. I nodded.

Once the machine stopped producing liquid she pulled her cup out and took sip.

"Nothing like Enemy blood in the morning." She said.

"That's not really like...people blood is it?" I asked. She laughed and shook her blood.

"Animal blood is one thing but I would never drink people blood. It's just a tea stained red." She said. She went back to the cabinet.

"Lets see. Which one would you this one is good." She said. She pulled out one of the small cups and put it into the machine, not before discarding her own cup.

I copied the steps she showed me and soon the machine poured out my drink into a blue cup with the words 'Worlds Okayest Commander' on it. I'm not sure where Scarlett got it but I liked it.

I grabbed the drink and took a sip. It had a nice salted caramely taste to it.

"Ok. I'm going to bed Kiri. If you don't wake me up in 15 hours, I'm going to break your arm again." She said. We both walked for the exit. Before I turned to go down the hall I stopped, leaned it and kissed Scarlett's cheek.

"Night Scar. Sleep well." I said, before turning down the hall to the control room.

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