The 13 Fragments

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"Your reeeaaal smooth you know that Perce." Leo said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up Leo." I said. I pushed open the door to my room and walked in. Jace sat in a chair next to to the bed. Annabeth was laid on the bed carefully and covered in a blanket.

"How is she?" I asked.

"She's hanging in there. Should be awake tomorrow. Although I have to keep a constant eye on her. Apokirixye's spirit is being a bit of an ass to her. She's muttered a couple curses directed at him in her sleep." Jace said. I nodded.

"What do you mean Apokirixye's spirit. Percy is right here." Hazel said.

"Well, when he lost his powers, a copy of his spirit is left for the next person to train them how to use their new powers." Jace explained.

"Does that mean you can communicate with her?" Hazel asked. I shook my head.

"Its just a copy of my conscious. I have a feeling it probably won't hold back on the insults." I said.

"Why? Can't you control it?" Leo asked.

"No. It doesn't work like that. To activate the shadow powers you have to be beaten into it. Because I was already broken into it, it was easy for me. But it still took awhile. Annabeth is new to it. She hasn't been broken yet. The point of the shadow powers is to use rage and sadness as a weapon. My year in Tartarus was enough fuel to keep me going for years. She might have enough from our visit to Tartarus to last her a month or so, but I don't know how long she'll have these powers. I wish I could help her, I really do. I don't want to punish anyone with this burden but it was the only thing I could do to keep Al from taking her powers and to save Annabeth." I said.

"That's awful. Who would make such a power?" Hazel asked.

"Keep in mind that these powers of Chaos are fragments of his power. They reflect how he had to use them. He gave them up so we could fight for him. He still has a few powers left. But he hasn't found anyone who possess the traits needed to use the power. He eventually wants to divide all his power into thirteen parts." I said.

"Why thirteen?" Leo asked.

"Because their are thirteen parts of a primordials soul. To split himself up like that he can finally rest. But he refuses to give up his powers to just anyone. He has to find the right people. If the power falls into the wrong hands they could give it to End, making End stronger. That's why we need to capture Albert. He has Chaos's wisdom. So it will be practically impossible to capture him. Not only that we have to find a way to extract the Chaos powers from him. We could always kill him but it's easier if they release the powers willingly." I explained.

"Wouldn't spreading Chaos's powers make Chaos weaker? Why doesn't he keep them?" Hazel asked.

"Chaos...well all primordials want to rest. They've been living for as long as the universe was created. Longer probably. They want to be rid of their powers and fade away. In order to do that they have to spread their powers out between 13 individuals. 12 with physical powers and one who is a child of a primordial. Preferably a demigod. Or demiprimordial I guess. The demiprimordial is responsible for finding the people to take over the powers once a solider dies. Basically they become the new Chaos or new End or whatever primordial it is." I said.

"So how many primordial are there?" Leo asked.

"There were four. Chaos, End, Destruction, and Order. Destruction, Chaos, Order and End's brother faded only a few centuries ago, leaving his powers scattered across the galaxy. His power was given to one of Chaos's sons. A guy named Alex. Sometimes he goes by Gamma. Order is the only sister of the four. She faded eons ago, she's one the wisest of the primordial. She also scattered her powers. Instead of giving them to people she put them into artifacts. 12 scattered across the universe. We've only found one so far. A ring with Order's control over water. Our member Marina carries it. If she wielded it and the power of Chaos at the same time she could disintegrate. Too much pure power from the primordial is dangerous. Order's main power was given to a daughter of Chaos named Arianna, sometimes goes by Beta. We all assume Chaos's eldest son Spencer will take Chaos's power when the time comes. But Chaos is still missing four people before he can give his power away." I explained.

"That's strange. So this Order lady and this Destruction guy are gone? Why don't we ask their new people to help us then." Leo asked.

"They have things they need to do. Arianna is looking for the artifacts and Alex...well, he's doing his own thing." I said.

"So what your trying to say is that Annabeth is tied to this because she was forced a power that doesn't fit her personality." Hazel said.

"Exactly. So she won't be able to wield the powers correctly. It may effect her personality. Just, don't hold anything against her while she's has the power. The only power I can see her being able to wield is Al's power. Wisdom. We may be able to do a power switch. She can force her powers onto him without him knowing and therefor he gives up his power to her. Then she can wield his power easily and he passes out like she did from the unexpected gain of power. Then I can take my power back and Annabeth can have that power until we find someone more suitable to wield it." I said, lighting up as the idea came to me.

"Would that really work?" Hazel asked. I looked to Jace.

"Its possible. But you would have to catch him off-guard. And teach Annabeth enough to be able to transfer her powers." He said.

"And not to mention we have no idea when Al is going to attack again. Or if he even will attack. Or if End will be with him." Leo said.

"Well, I'm sure Al has figured out that Annabeth is going to struggle with the powers. He's going to try and contact her to take them from her. Maybe if we accept his offer and ambush him." I said.

"Well, whatever we do, it's going to have to wait until after she can master her powers enough to be able to transfer them, which means she'll have to master them like, 100 times faster than you Percy. It took you a year before you were that level. And not to mention that she isn't even a fit for this power-"

"I get it Jace. We have to do the impossible again. It's ok, we've done it before." I said. I turned to the other two.

"Come on, for now, we need to work on our own skills." I said before leading them to the arena.

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