A Mission...kill me now

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(20,000 Chaos years later)

Apokíryxe's pov

After years of practicing the art of stealth I was ready for the mission. The mission I had been forbidden to do ever since I joined chaos army. But I was ready.

I melted into the shadows and snuck along the corridor of the castle. Anytime I saw the guard I froze. She could kill me at any point.

Finally I made it to the room that held my prize. Now I just had to find it. The guard had hidden it very well but I managed to find it in a small box. I grabbed my prize and left the room. I walked back to the throne room where my team mates waited for me.

"Did you get it?" Sparky asked in a whisper.

"Yeah." I whispered. I held up my prize for everyone to see, Scarlett's secret stash of gummi bears. Scarlett loved gummi bears. Unfortunately, she had the only ones on the planet. Somehow while she's on Missions she manages to sneak off and buy them. She always kept them heavily guarded.

"Where's she hide them this time?" Ivy asked.

"Under her bed, in a small box." I said.

"Wow, she really didn't try to hide them." Dawn said.

"Unless it's a trap to get you to lower your guard so she can attack you." Al said. Of course the smartest person in chaos army thinks that's it. And knowing my luck it probably was.

"I'm sure he's fine." Jasmine said. Then she gasped and disappeared into a poof of green smoke. I looked over and saw Scarlett giving me the death glare. The others ran out of the room.

"Is that my gummi bear stash!?" Scarlett stammered. I jumped about ten feet into the air. She drew her sword.  I yelped and started to run. She chased me around the room.

"When I catch you Kiri, I'm going to kill you!" Scarlett yelled as she chased me. I stuffed her gummi bears in my mouth as I ran.

"I told you not to call me that!" I called back as we ran. She kept chasing me, swinging her sword until Chaos came into the room. As soon as we saw him we stopped, put out weapons away, and stood at attention. The other commanders joined us.

"Sloppiness Scarlett." Chaos scolded as he passed us. Scarlett stared daggers at me for getting her in trouble. I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Although, Apokíryxe you should know better as to not get into other soliders things, and if you do, don't get caught." Chaos said.

"Next time I will acquire the gummi bears more stealthily sir." I said trying to sound serious. Sapphire snorted. Sparky held back a laugh. Chaos smiled and sat at his throne. We followed his example and sat in our respective thrones. Nobody spoke. We all just waited for Chaos to tell us our mission. He only had us sit in our thrones when there was a mission. Me and Scarlett kept shooting glances at each other, sticking out our tongues. Chaos cleared his throat and we payed attention.

"I have a new mission for you." Chaos said. He always started by saying this. It took all my courage not to yell "Obviously!" But I managed to hold it back.

"I believe that something of our planet is attacking theirs." Chaos said. If something from our planet was attacking somewhere else that meant that this would be a difficult mission.

"My belief is that End is attacking the planet." Chaos continued. "Your mission will be to defend the inhabitants of this planet and to take down End."

"What planet are we defending?" I asked.

"There is also a few other threats as well. Two of them to be exact. And both of them are very powerful. But I have full confidence you will be able to destroy them." Chaos continued, ignoring me.

"What planet are we defending?" I asked again. Chaos gave me a 'Your not going to like the answer' look.

"Not the bug planet again!" I complained. Chaos shook his head.

"No, it's not the bug planet." Chaos said. "Before I tell you you have to swear you'll do it."

"Ok." I said. We never swore on the Styx. Not because it was too powerful to break, actually it was the opposite, the Styx was to weak. Now we had to swear on Chaos's throne, if you swore on his throne there was no going back.

"I swear on Chaos's throne I will go on this mission." I said.

"Your mission is on Earth... Specifically at Camp Half-Blood." Chaos said. Did...Did he just say Camp Half-Blood...I know he didn't just say that.

"You said I would never half to go back there! They threw me in Tartarus!" I yelled. I realized everyone was staring at me.

"Apokíryxe, we need your help with this mission...When I said that End had reanimated two former enemies of the gods, well...It's Kronos and Gaea..."  Chaos said. Great. Of course the two people who hate me the most are alive...AGAIN!

"So they're both back!? End brought them both back!?" I said.

"Well...I'll let the gods explain it when you get there." Chaos said. I was going to refuse but I knew I couldn't break an oath on Chaos's throne.

"As always you will wear your cloaks to hide your identity." Chaos said. He waved his hand and ten cloaks appeared. We all grabbed our respective cloaks except for Sapphire.

"And your sure mine is fire proof this time?" She asked Chaos. He nodded. She reluctantly put it on then tried to set it on fire. When the cloak didn't catch fire she gave the thumbs up.

"I'm ready." She said. Everyone else nodded. A portal appeared and chaos led us through it. I hated the idea of going back but what's the worst that can happen right? It's not like the other six are still alive...right..?


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anti-percabeth hater (aka you love percabeth and don't like non percabeth books) then this is not your book. Please check out my other chaos army book

My Name Is Omega.

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